WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media

A Year of Anime and Unforgettable Moments

Oski, xFer, and Merc Season 4 Episode 30

We reflect on an exhilarating 2024, covering significant moments from our adventures at conventions to poignant discussions on loss and the best episodes of the year. Our gratitude shines through as we contemplate the past and look forward to exciting content in the upcoming year. 
• Recapping highlights from Anime Dallas and other conventions 
• Sharing memorable concert experiences with T-Pain 
• Reflecting on losses in the pop culture industry 
• Revisiting our podcast's key topics and episodes 
• Outlining exciting plans for 2025 and beyond

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Speaker 2:

I saw Beetlejuice finally. It's pretty good and music yeah.

Speaker 1:

Beetlejuice is pretty good oh sorry, I thought that was music. Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for tuning in to the WBM podcast. This is one of your hosts. It's your boy, Merc.

Speaker 2:

Hey, this is your boy X-Fan. Welcome back everybody, boy Merc. Hey, this is your boy X-Fan. Welcome back everybody, x-fan.

Speaker 3:

And this is your boy, oski, and the Migs and the.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Tell them, merc Guys, do we have one fun hell of a wrap-up episode for you this week, wrapping that up because I never do 2024 wrap. That's right, y'all Everything Crunchyroll got it on the rap.

Speaker 3:

Google got it on the rap, so we're getting in on this train Did you see your incognito raps.

Speaker 1:

Those are crazy.

Speaker 2:

My Planned Parenthood raps are crazy, bro.

Speaker 1:

Whoa ladies and gentlemen, so we're starting out on the high note with us. It's our season recap, ladies and gentlemen. We're talking all the stuff we loved, we hated, and all those in between that we didn't get a chance to talk about. That's right, y'all.

Speaker 3:

So uh let's get into it, you guys ready let's go merry christmas.

Speaker 2:

Merry christmas, happy new year, feliz navidad. That's right y'all. We're at the end of the year up and up 2024.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes, yes, and I know we haven't dropped anything Dang question number 24. And I know we haven't dropped anything for a couple of weeks.

Speaker 1:

We apologize, guys. We had some, I don't.

Speaker 3:

I had some personal stuff going on.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we have had some personal fat matters going on. What is it, cons, that we visited? We?

Speaker 3:

went out of town Cons. We got to meet a lot of people at the last couple cons of the year we did.

Speaker 1:

And we'll be putting that video out. We should have already done that, but hey, like I said, life happens.

Speaker 3:

Life happens.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, guys for understanding and bearing with us.

Speaker 3:

It's going to be a wrap. This is basically our.

Speaker 1:

After this, we're taking again another brief hiatus.

Speaker 3:

But it's going to be cool because during our hiatus we'll be releasing content from our Anime Dallas sessions. So we'll give you a little sex Two or three weeks. We'll be releasing content every couple of days. We got a little nice little tidbits. We got so many sessions, we're just going to put it all out there on the wild.

Speaker 1:

Some great combos.

Speaker 3:

So if you sat down with us at Anime Dallas 2024, thank you. Look for the sessions over the next three weeks. Every few days we'll do drop-in sessions For sure.

Speaker 1:

Anyway, so that was our con stretch man. It was awesome. We had some great times Dallas twice.

Speaker 3:

Don't want to start there, woo, I mean, we went to so many cons this year.

Speaker 2:

That's right, y'all.

Speaker 1:

Just start with Dallas man, how did that go? Put on an amazing con.

Speaker 3:

Anime Dallas.

Speaker 1:

Shout out Anime Dallas. It's a smaller con, but it has its charm, oh man, Like I said, for a lot of people it was really cool to know that that was some of y'all's first con coming out there.

Speaker 2:

That's nice.

Speaker 1:

So it was really great to meet some of you guys. I'm happy that that was your first icebreaker for a con. Again, I think order to do it. So that's why it's like, if anybody's interested into getting into cons, this is like what they do as like their test run kind of thing, to see if they like it, versus going somewhere for a weekend and paying 150 to get in, kind of thing. You know, yeah, for the weekend, kind of thing and not even knowing what you're going to get into.

Speaker 3:

I was gonna bring out the batch to show it off, but uh, it's deep in the yonders. You know what I'm saying as you can tell back there, I got a whole rack of badges from conventions it's not a prop all mothers they all nut up into like one big lanyard, uh, maze.

Speaker 3:

So I'm just gonna leave it back there, but uh, I mean there's a few more from this year. You know, it was funny, we went to dallas, back to back to back, because after anime dallas which was a lot of fun, one more time and we were releasing all those videos and separate episodes we we went back for Anime Frontier.

Speaker 1:

Anime Frontier. That's right. We should have done that that was a wild card, that one.

Speaker 2:

You guys did voice acting right.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was actually a lot of fun.

Speaker 3:

My boy over here did the voice acting audition.

Speaker 1:

You did too, bro, don't shy away from it. I was in front of the stage and my accent just doubled down.

Speaker 3:

My accent like tripled down.

Speaker 1:

He said pizza, pizza. He said pizza. Yeah, no, I'm joking, but it was great.

Speaker 3:

How do you pronounce the word D-E-I?

Speaker 2:

D-E-I-T-Y yeah, d-e-i-t-y, deity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like a gauntlet Deity, Deity, deity. Yeah, like a gauntlet Diddy, diddy, diddy. I don't know Diddy Diddy.

Speaker 2:

I busted out Dante Deity. I like Deity Dante Diddy. I think it's Deity Deity. Deity sounds better Do.

Speaker 1:

I Deity, deity. I know you didn't say Diddy, but it sounded like you said Diddy, god's have no honor, I don't care if you're a Didi, a Didi, wait, man. See, that's why we shouldn't have put that. You gotta move yourself around, bro, it's you. You gotta keep your hands to yourself, bro.

Speaker 2:

It's something like your mom the ghost of Didi got into his hands.

Speaker 3:

The ghost of Didi yeah, man, I got up there and I was like God's have no honor and you're no Diddy. And I was like no, diddy. No, diddy, I don't think that's what I meant to say, but, diddy, I think it fit the script because at the very end was like and I think that would be my reaction. That would be my reaction if I had to face Diddy in a party.

Speaker 1:

It was great man, but you know what?

Speaker 3:

We were really proud of ourselves just to go up there, man it was, it was a, we were stacked.

Speaker 1:

It was a prune room like 50 people maybe more, it was like 200. It was 300 people that showed up for those auditions. 300 people that showed up. They were only able to to audition about 100 people more or less and, uh, just so much. A lot of people that were out there. The con was great though. Overall good shopping. That was a really cool experience, um, but in my opinion, enemy dallas had some of the better vendors, bro, but I don't, don't know.

Speaker 3:

I remember Dallas had a little cool vendor Shout out to Sweet Toot, Sweet Toot. He had this really cool Berserk.

Speaker 1:

It's a Berserk girl oh nice, yeah Nice, If you guys can see it I don't know if you can zoom in on your iPods- we could give it. There we go. We're going to give our quick shout out to our here you go ah, thank you, good sir. So what's dope about this man is that it's actually like a berserk Yu-Gi-Oh combination. You can see the blue eyes, the dark magician girl with the berserk sword right. It's pretty swag, but the paper that he has on it's like hand pressed paper oh this is yours, yeah check it out, bro George, with a Kimio book.

Speaker 2:

oh, I don't want to mess that up Anyway it's really hard.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't do it justice, it doesn't do all of it, but it's on like parchment paper.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't know what else to call it. It's a paper mache.

Speaker 1:

It's amazing artwork man. It really really is. We got a chance to meet him.

Speaker 3:

Shout out to our boy I put this one back there with my other hyper realistic dark radiation. That is good.

Speaker 1:

Which was great. I, as a matter of fact, got this from my boy out there. I'll show you guys what it is. Hang on, give me one second.

Speaker 2:

Bad Bros. 2. Bad Bros for life.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, sir.

Speaker 3:

I guess it's kind of hard to see, but it's like Bad Boys 2.

Speaker 2:

Bad Bros for life.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there you go, you can kind of see it. It looks really cool. Again, it doesn't do it justice. It doesn't do it justice guys.

Speaker 1:

You got to go and see it. But non-toxic nerd culture, it's fire stuff, man. These guys had amazing stuff out there.

Speaker 3:

So they were great people. Yeah, we didn't really get to talk about Anime Dallas because the last one has been life, but Anime Dallas was so much fun. Yeah, dude, it was a lot of fun we got to see the Blaze that we collaborated this year. That's one of our Favorite content creators. That we have collaborated Multiple times Throughout the year.

Speaker 2:

Yes, we collaborated highly this year, this year earlier, in the other con.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Anime Manchuria, anime Manchuria. Yeah, we had a panel, anime Manchuria, where they released More footage from that is correct. They got even more Voice actors. We kind of got exclusive.

Speaker 1:

But oh yeah, we're not gonna say anything, I'm not gonna drop it, but know that they got they added some more voice actors to iridescent manga ball, nice follow them on their social blaze manga productions or iridescent manga, that's correct guys, but uh, so what else we have? We had comic palooza this year and in my surrey this year it was so much fun.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I got to see back to the future actors. Man, we were like what? Four rows down.

Speaker 1:

Yeah from Marty McFly and Doc Brown. Yeah, I bumped into Michael J Fox in the bathroom.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you did. That was amazing. That was in the episode. That was in the episode. Bumped into Michael J Fox on the urinal.

Speaker 1:

It was so great, I touched elbows. You mentioned episode of.

Speaker 2:

Scrubs Victory toilet.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's crazy. It was so cool though.

Speaker 2:

It was a random encounter.

Speaker 3:

It was like a media game, random encounter, yeah it's just like I was the NPC.

Speaker 1:

He was the main character bro, he was the yeah bro, Lord forgive me. I don't know what I'm talking about.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, Michael J Fox you're a legend, that is a one-way trip.

Speaker 1:

It automatically. That's crazy anyway. So uh, yeah, man, comic palooza was amazing, tokyo x tokyo x.

Speaker 3:

That's right, man. We got to admit some of the uh japanese voice actors of one piece that's right that's right nami swan nami swan, nami did we, yeah, we did, yeah. Yeah, nami swan was out there and uh, some really cool cosplayers that I got to talk to. That's right, man. And, and what else? Kimi Kawai, kimi Kawai, damn, what else? Tokyo X I didn't even know. Tsuri Comic Palooza. What were some of the smaller?

Speaker 1:

we went to a couple of smaller ones, a couple of smaller ones, but I can't tell you. Anime Houston obviously happened. Anime Houston, anime Houston. I went to yeah, oh, that was Kimi Kawaii, no 1. That was our other audition that we did, yep.

Speaker 3:

And, of course, a lot of the other creators we collaborated with. Collaborated with Fushion Ha a couple times.

Speaker 2:

That's right, y'all.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to Fushion Ha. Shout out to Fushion Ha. All of our boys, that's right y'all. But yeah, man, so those were our cons, obviously this year, but we had some great episodes.

Speaker 2:

Some of them were for sure. Most recent, I can recap, was the Penguin. We did two specials on that. One One was like the intro episode. The other one was like concluding it. We had a hiatus on purpose because we wanted to finish the show. Yeah, because it's so good. We generally don't do that, but it's one of the greatest shows this year that it was so good that we dedicated like.

Speaker 3:

All right, we'll be back after we finish the series For our WBA wrap. I think the penguin was the best TV series of the year.

Speaker 1:

Facts yeah, man, yeah 100%.

Speaker 3:

I mean there's a couple of series that give it a run for it's money. But if I had to like pick the title for the year, penguin did the last of us come out this year? No, the last of us came out last year. Yeah, penguin, bro, that's it. Yeah, fallout, fallout, fallout. Actually won't, because arcane is not an annotation of league of legends well fallout is literally in the video game world is in universe lore, so that's why uh, that's my argument for fallout.

Speaker 1:

I would agree with that yes, like as far as the video game aspect of it, I felt like I was the player in uh fallout, you know what I'm saying versus the penguin. I was watching the birth of a new character kind of thing. Yeah, so it was different, different of acting. But as far as, like best show Penguin, bro Hands down man I'm sorry, I'm not even trying to ride the hype train on it Like Colin Farrell, the next level acting that we saw that in the TV series.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Early in the year I did a bunch of anime corner episodes where I recommended a bunch of random anime.

Speaker 1:

That's right, you sure did man.

Speaker 3:

I'd probably bring that segment back, but I know one that we love talking about was Akiba. Maid Wars, bro. I keep on seeing those memes. I still recommend Akiba.

Speaker 2:

Maid Wars. I gotta watch that one, yeah, if you like the penguin.

Speaker 3:

It's like the Sopranos, but in Tokyo.

Speaker 2:

And maid bitches. I love it.

Speaker 3:

I don't know how many times I could sell it, but it's just that, guest I give up.

Speaker 2:

I gotta watch it, did you see?

Speaker 1:

that League meme where it's like Jinx versus Seraphine.

Speaker 3:

I don't even want to give spoilers, because that scene is from the very last episode.

Speaker 1:

I bet you it's super awesome that scene is a huge spoiler. I love it, though when I see it every time I'm like this has got to be the fucking anime he's talking about, bro, every one where she's eating and she pukes right, and everybody's like. I want some of that.

Speaker 3:

She's got the face all beat up and she starts crying. It's like this is you in League.

Speaker 2:

She's just all beat up Because yeah, man, speaking of League, we did a lot this year, man. We played a lot of games in League of Legends.

Speaker 1:

Did we even have a League episode when we talked to you? We're talking about it right now.

Speaker 3:

Legends never die. Heavy is the crown, heavy is the crown. Didn't we do a full episode Talking about Linkin Park, or half an episode?

Speaker 2:

I think it was like the world's events. It was worlds this year.

Speaker 3:

We talked about concerts, but we revisited our music.

Speaker 1:

That's right, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Because we're a very musical show and we talked about legacy.

Speaker 1:

It's not even about the concerts anymore, bro, it's the legacy of the band. That's right, we're gonna have it yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh cause anymore, bro.

Speaker 2:

It's the legacy of the band, that's right. Oh, because we saw, because I saw the Wailers. That's where we had an episode about that the Wailers, wailers, wailers.

Speaker 1:

Wailers, oh no, and Journey. Remember Wailers, the poor Journey cover. That was the other one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we had a.

Speaker 1:

I think about, but it's been a long time in the concert. But I think, bro, we went to T-Pain this year.

Speaker 2:

What are you?

Speaker 1:

talking about.

Speaker 2:

Bro, that was one of the greatest concerts of my life, bro.

Speaker 1:

You know early in the year Sorry bro, I was like, I was so damn in my head.

Speaker 3:

I'm about to switch gears so hard.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I've done the hardest segway I was like I'm so damn sure of my head.

Speaker 3:

I'm about to switch gears so hard I don't think I've done the hardest segue. Earlier in the year we talked about men's mental health.

Speaker 1:

We had like three episodes back to back where we were like what the fuck is that we did do?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, you remember we had mental compliments about men and compliments. Oh, that's right, that's true.

Speaker 3:

And then in the same episode, when we talk about facing the lion but not always feeling like Daniel. That was a good episode, I think one of these guys dropped that little nugget. I think it was him. Go back and watch that episode. Was that this year? That was this year Another one that we talked about men's mental health and a lot of other things. It was me thinking about your laundry days. For a whole month, we dropped nothing but men's mental health episodes.

Speaker 1:

Shout out puppy pads, bro. Oh yeah, Puppy pads. Yeah, the puppy pads.

Speaker 2:

I tell you what man. That was a good year. I think that's part of the Chinese order puppy pads.

Speaker 1:

Facts that is the year of the puppy. This, oh yeah same episode.

Speaker 3:

I spoke about Madam Web and how it's like not that bad of a movie Super mediocre, that's right.

Speaker 1:

Not that bad of a movie Wildly mediocre.

Speaker 3:

More than both Morbius and Craving the Hunter.

Speaker 1:

Like I said, wildly mediocre. Like it's not a high Walter scale but, like I said, but yeah, man, madam Web, the whole Fox universe is dead now with Sony shit.

Speaker 2:

Madam Web falls into that category of movies where, like, just tell me the whole plot and take as long as you want, because that still beats me reading over it like wicked, like I'm not talking shit about it. Well, maybe I am, I don't know. But it's like, hey, just tell me what happened and you know, I want to move on my life, kind of like madame webb and craven, wasn't it? Draven the hunter and more. Just tell me the plot, you know, hey, it's gonna take an hour, perfect you know, save ticket.

Speaker 3:

I agree, there were a lot of good movies that dropped this year.

Speaker 1:

The fact that Madam Web opened with a 12, craven opened with an 8, and Rotten Tomatoes is wild. But, like I said, I'm happy that Sony's going to kill that shit.

Speaker 3:

Let's talk about the peak movies, dune I think we had a whole episode on. Dune. It came out this year, Shit let me hear the song, bro.

Speaker 2:

It came out this year.

Speaker 1:

Is that this year? No, bro, you fucking liar. Don't lie to me.

Speaker 2:

Bros at Time Paradox, if you hit a Christmas special.

Speaker 1:

Right after those raps we're talking about all of that other shit. Yeah, my bad.

Speaker 3:

Damn. I knew it, my bad.

Speaker 2:

My bad.

Speaker 3:

It was so fresh in my mind. I feel like it just happened.

Speaker 2:

I wear no black Like the dudes out there In their show. No, but Back to what matters T-Pain man.

Speaker 3:

T-pain was an amazing concert that happened this year, for sure.

Speaker 2:

But it was awesome, bro. That concert was awesome. He sang all his favorite hits. We had a good spot. It's a good little venue. I mean, honestly, it was a vibe. It was like a club and the people around us Were hot and the people around us were hot you know those. I miss that girl, black girl, whatever her name is. I miss you. I love you. Oh yeah, that's right, but it was fun, man, I really enjoyed the concert bro bro, we survived the fucking hurricane this year.

Speaker 1:

We went through barrel. Y'all remember that shit. You were locked out of vegas for, like, I was in vegas. Yeah, that was a horrible experience.

Speaker 2:

I went, I went to the post-apocalyptic shit out there was like a South American tournament cup, but in the Americas, and there was a game in Las Vegas.

Speaker 1:

That's right. You compared it to One Piece. I'm going to Vegas.

Speaker 2:

And I went to Vegas for the end of the day and like a hurricane hits y'all, huh.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

That's right.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I remember that, and this guy came back, and it takes eight hours, bro.

Speaker 1:

I don't even have gas right now. The minds were dumb.

Speaker 3:

What are you talking about, bro? I'm trying to find gas.

Speaker 2:

I just landed it from Vegas, bro, just take me out. What's so different? Than going to Waterburg. Yeah, that was what the fuck do you?

Speaker 1:

mean, it was hilarious man Fucking hilarious. But anyway.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, correction of my earlier thing, we did have a Dune episode this year where you reviewed the book.

Speaker 2:

That's right, that's right.

Speaker 3:

So we did have a half episode where you did a full review of the book Of the book.

Speaker 2:

That's right. I finished the first book, which is pretty Pretty good man.

Speaker 3:

And you went back and rewatched the movies and talked about the comparison.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, Make sure you guys recap that episode. I could have swore we had to do an episode.

Speaker 3:

You were right, yeah because you did the whole book. Now are you going to go back and finish book two for next year? I am, I am, look at that. That was such a.

Speaker 1:

I mean.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

There am I eventually. It's gonna be a lot sometime next year is it a? Priority, absolutely, you revealed you revealed.

Speaker 3:

The first one was so good that I just wanna see thanks baby. I don't want it to cover your mouth.

Speaker 1:

You have such a nice smile, just like it's better. Bro, I wanna see it. I like to see him in his teeth, bro. I always tell her smile. She's always happy whenever she does it.

Speaker 3:

It's better if we see your smile, but I love your book review. That was one of my favorite episodes of the year. That's why it was in my mind.

Speaker 2:

I got to refresh, I forgot the book already.

Speaker 3:

I'll give you flowers. I'll give you flowers.

Speaker 1:

You don't even have to listen to it, bro.

Speaker 3:

Just listen to the podcast you know what was the name of that episode. Akira Toriyama is the Lisa Nalgaev, because that was like a week after he's the least amount I got to listen to it again, man.

Speaker 2:

I totally forgot about the book, man, I'm going to see, like there's details about it. I'm already forgetting, man, we lost some goats this year. I could have died this year. I could have died this year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that same episode that we talked about Dune. We talked about how he was the.

Speaker 1:

James Earl Jones the grandfather.

Speaker 3:

The godfather of shonen, that was a Darth Vader that was in one of our episodes where we talk about Star Wars homeboy that plays Oogie Boogie past. Yeah cause I finally watched the act away.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah I saw that what else? Yeah, I mean, we had some unfortunate passings, man, some real, real, real legends and people that obviously we're over missing, we're overlooking right now. But that's just to, yeah, man.

Speaker 2:

Shout out to.

Speaker 1:

Moment of silence For those that are past. That's right. Thank you, guys, that was perfect.

Speaker 3:

That was like yeah you guys did that. I wasn't sure if we were buffering or not. Sorry, that's not a step we talked about. I reviewed HBO Max's. It's not on Netflix Warrior, Bruce Lee's series.

Speaker 2:

That's right. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you liked it. That's wrong.

Speaker 3:

We did an episode.

Speaker 2:

I don't think she did, but never a guy chest if it's shit cuz he's busy with school, but I still want to make. Is this one the greatest shows I've ever seen my life, better than penguin?

Speaker 3:

really good.

Speaker 1:

It's one of, not the you know okay, so penguin does sit higher In your mind, though.

Speaker 2:

It sits up Like the penguin sits.

Speaker 1:

Higher than Shogun, though. Yes, well, the penguin is like yes, absolutely the penguin is.

Speaker 2:

I got the reverse the penguin gets.

Speaker 3:

Best TV series of the year, and I think Shogun Is nominated for it. That's right, that's right, no, no, I'm saying Not our picks.

Speaker 1:

No, no, no, it actually it won some sort of awards it won all the awards it was nominated for, like 18 things.

Speaker 2:

The penguin gets it next year the penguin gets next year, the one where he gets.

Speaker 3:

Uh, I'm sure he's gonna get some ammys and stuff everything bro, everything bro.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're gonna try to go for it oh yeah, no, I mean go for it. What's the next one on the list?

Speaker 3:

well, nothing, I mean, I was gonna bring up that. Uh, we also did our. We did like four Dragon Ball episodes this year where we just talk about Dragon Ball in general.

Speaker 2:

We continue our series. You get to our fans.

Speaker 3:

We continue our series. We continue our series of episodes in Strongest Human. In DVC we did a full episode on Yamcha. Yamcha had his that's right, he had his come up this year we've done Krillin.

Speaker 1:

Tien is next. I'm calling it right now, like we owe tian justice y'all.

Speaker 3:

We done krillin and jamshad. I guess this is one series. Well, we're gonna do tian and we're gonna do shatsu akira.

Speaker 2:

Akira because he passed away right because he passed away.

Speaker 3:

And then, when we sat down with fusion, how we actually talked about all about dragon ball. That's right, okay, that counts so we did four dragon ball episodes, yeah damn, that's some good stuff I. I mean DVC is still the GOAT.

Speaker 1:

It is still the.

Speaker 3:

GOAT, yeah and the GOAT passed and I'm actually watching Dragon Ball Diamond and I like it.

Speaker 2:

I gotta watch Diamond. It's on Netflix, huh.

Speaker 1:

I actually popped in Z again, bro, just to.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

It's probably the same thing you talk about it's a great movie. What's the?

Speaker 2:

movie called.

Speaker 3:

Rice, actually Planet of the Apes was there one that came out this year.

Speaker 2:

Kingdom of the.

Speaker 3:

Planet of the.

Speaker 2:

Apes. There was a new one that came out earlier this year right Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the one with the girl and the main it looks like they're gonna have some kind of furry relationship it's not a bunny.

Speaker 1:

Okay, it's not a, anyway anyway is.

Speaker 3:

I was going to have a segway there too, but nah anyway, that was a great pause.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, kingdom of the Plenty of the Earth was good that came out this year yeah, you did it for reviewing it, bro.

Speaker 2:

It was pretty good.

Speaker 3:

It's forgettable bro, there's a whole review of you talking. It's a good movie. 40 minutes of him pricing it, 40 minutes pricing doing the book. I forgot the book. I forgot the book, bro. Yeah, you're going to like when you give your doctorate?

Speaker 1:

he's going to be like I don't even remember what the fuck I said. Bro, I can't fucking go on. I was there. I had a whole list. I think I don't even know I was there. When did we record that that was last?

Speaker 3:

year bro, that was last week. Yeah, another great movie that came out this year Deadpool and Wolverine, of course.

Speaker 2:

That came out this year. It's like a little pain.

Speaker 1:

You seen that one with the people in the church singing that yeah, I'll take you there in the midnight hour.

Speaker 2:

They milked the shit out of that fucking song.

Speaker 3:

They milked the shit out of that song and you know that episode where you talked about Copa America, you broke down which Blue Lock character matches their real life counterpart I don't think that was this year, was it?

Speaker 2:

No, that was last year.

Speaker 1:

Copa America. You did it for the. You did it last time and generally in history, but this one you did specifically to the Copa America.

Speaker 3:

We represented it a little bit and then we talked about Blue Lock, episode Nagi, which came out in theaters.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right, man, we should get Blue Lock. We're going to have that episode.

Speaker 1:

Shout out to the voice actor who plays Raya. Yes, man.

Speaker 2:

He is such a cool guy, big shout out.

Speaker 1:

I want to say it was Cam, but I feel like I'm wrong.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Cam.

Speaker 1:

It is Cam hey. That's exactly what we got.

Speaker 2:

It's not open. Maybe you could show it's not open. But you call my name.

Speaker 3:

It real there's his autograph yeah, it's a chameleon player.

Speaker 1:

It's hard to see it, it's difficult to make out, but it's. Uh, his signature is on here. Badass, badass image from my boy cam out there and, uh, blue Lock man Peak season finale. I haven't got a chance to watch any of it.

Speaker 3:

It's so good. It's good. The Chameleon defense let's go. I mean spoilers, wow, the.

Speaker 2:

Chameleon, the Chameleon there you go, the Chameleon.

Speaker 3:

Spoilers alike Craven. I talked about Alien Franch. I did talk about the alien. I did a whole deep dive on the alien franchise and Romulus which I love.

Speaker 1:

Romulus. That was a great movie, man. I watched it again when it dropped on Hulu. Still good, still good, right, still hits. I recommend it, bro, you still gotta watch it.

Speaker 3:

I know you haven't watched it. I watched the one that, that's it.

Speaker 2:

I think that's it right.

Speaker 3:

What else do All of our cons, matsuri, tokyo X Rising to Power? We talked about Elon Musk and the the droids yeah, the droid wars.

Speaker 2:

The clone wars yeah, the clone wars.

Speaker 3:

I mean we did have a couple of Red Pill episodes sprinkled throughout the year. There was another big Red Pill episode where you said does the Joker use PTO for meow meow? Yes, Does the Joker use PTO for meow meow.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Does the Joker use PTO? Who's he checking out on bro the Joker, like from DC? Who's clocking him in? What was his episode?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Who's he clowning out? Though? I know that wasn't the question. It was like why you got to put PTO For something you can do anytime you want. Bro, that's free will.

Speaker 3:

For something you can do anytime you want. Bro, that's free will. That's so weird Like we go back and it's like why?

Speaker 1:

did we name this episode. What are we even talking about? What does the synopsis say? There's no way it says an accurate description in here the Joker 2 trailer.

Speaker 3:

Oh, that's right, we're talking about Joker 2 trailer and we're talking about PTO.

Speaker 2:

Using PTO from Yami on App Y'all just using. Using that AI. Shit bro, that's right.

Speaker 3:

United Plus anime Plus anime. No, but this episode I did anime corners, so that's why we did plus anime.

Speaker 1:

I think it's hilarious because I don't know, bro, would you ever? That's the start of the question Would you ever call out for pussy? Oh, that was a question right.

Speaker 3:

That's the question, that is the PTO.

Speaker 2:

I think it was a short episode because we were like, yeah, next question. No, because it was the better.

Speaker 3:

Okay, if you call in, it's not PTO, it's doc time.

Speaker 2:

Well, that's right, that's what I'm saying. Oh, that was the argument. Okay, okay, technically, you're not getting paid time off for it. It wasn't?

Speaker 3:

the argument that we're taking the day off and get pussy, you know. It went into a whole conversation. Hr. It went into HR and it's consequences.

Speaker 2:

I would If it's really good pussy, I'm ready to lose money for it, right, but then look, I use a holiday, you know.

Speaker 3:

I definitely use Eight hours PTO too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, bro, eight hours.

Speaker 3:

That's a whole day. But then how far ahead Do you plan?

Speaker 1:

it. See, that's when you come into PYP with playing your season one.

Speaker 3:

Shout out, ladies and gentlemen, pyp Season one Planet.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

We had an episode where you review LA Confidential.

Speaker 2:

I do remember that movie.

Speaker 1:

That movie was memorable, that dark ass movie scarred you enough to remember huh, that fucked you up.

Speaker 3:

And you talked about death by hat, death by.

Speaker 1:

Who died. Do I have a favorite? Yeah, no, we talked about that guy who died while smashing that badass, remember. She said she sucked his soul out. She's like he died while I was fucking him.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, he had like a brain aneurysm.

Speaker 1:

She said he made a sound.

Speaker 3:

He said that clip went viral. That clip went viral.

Speaker 1:

Would you be okay with dying like that, bro?

Speaker 3:

Again, we all agreed Of course we'll take PTO, of course I'll take that death. Take a PTO for that death, that is wild. What a way to combine topics bro, and somehow we're bringing it back to men's mental health.

Speaker 1:

And look, I do that for my mental health as I go into the graveyard. It was worth it, Bro.

Speaker 3:

at the same time, you're thinking about her laundry days.

Speaker 2:

Laundry days.

Speaker 3:

Laundry days. Pto dead by head.

Speaker 1:

Bro, I was thinking about your laundry days. If you guys haven't heard that episode, go back and listen to it. It's a good one, ladies, it's for you.

Speaker 3:

Oh, stop anyway what else we got. How far can a compliment go? That was a really serious episode.

Speaker 2:

Sorry, I brought the energy down here, you gotta bring it back down but it was a really serious episode on compliments for men yes, but then we talked about OnlyFans, which was men, but you doing OnlyFans, remember that was the question.

Speaker 1:

It was like I'd sell my feet bro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, man, I'd take a picture of my pinky toe.

Speaker 3:

We re-released a couple of interviews. We had an interview with Sound Engineer from Sentai Filmworks that we did in 2023 that we re-released in 2024. We interviewed director, anime director for Zenta and Filmworks, shannon Reed. Yes, in 2023, we re-released a nasty version in 2024. That's correct. We also interviewed musician Big Sodia from Houston. Yeah, big Sodia, that's right we collaborated with him on Comicpalooza, so we dropped that interview this year as well.

Speaker 1:

Man, we got some good stuff out, guys. We did have a good stuff. That was all this year.

Speaker 2:

That was all this year, Damn man.

Speaker 3:

And we're going to drop more interviews coming up. We got a couple of interviews lining up. Hopefully it all pans out and we'll be dropping them in season five 2025.

Speaker 1:

And hopefully you guys just get to we're going to talk about more Blue Log shit.

Speaker 2:

More Blue Log shit for sure, more dude shit, so I can forget about it.

Speaker 3:

I'm finally going to have a couple of Gundam episodes because I've been building some nice new Gundams. That's correct.

Speaker 2:

More book shit that I forget about.

Speaker 3:

More book shit.

Speaker 1:

We're having a solo leveling episode. I mean we're caught up. I'm caught up, you're right, solo leveling is coming up. The Mongo, we can spoil the fuck out of that.

Speaker 3:

They dropped the previews for the Attack on Titan movie coming up. That's right, they dropped the previews for the Demon Slayer movie coming up is going to bring that they're going to adapt the prequel series Vigilantes.

Speaker 1:

My Hero Vigilante. That's right, that's going to be so good. Is that a movie?

Speaker 3:

It's going to be a series. It's going to be a series. It's a spin-off manga from my Hero Academia.

Speaker 1:

It's called Vigilantes and it's about.

Speaker 3:

It takes place in the same universe and no way. Oh really, the bunny girl before she became a hero. So her as a vigilante.

Speaker 2:

So we're going to get a lot of the younger heroes.

Speaker 3:

It's going to be cool.

Speaker 2:

Cool man.

Speaker 3:

I think one of the worst things that the creator didn't do is that the protagonist from Vigilantes should have had a couple of scenes in the main series Like cameos or something. Yeah, but he was in one panel towards the end. But, yeah, towards the end, he's in the background somewhere bro Trust. But Vigilante is a little more mature than my hero. Yeah, that's what I heard. It's a little bit Speak.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's supposed to be good man. I know there's a good big following behind Vigilante.

Speaker 3:

What are you guys excited for next year? I guess we start wrapping up our last episode of the year.

Speaker 1:

And you got me in. I don't have my list in front of me. I'm excited for some my list. Man, you swear you don't pay. This is exactly what we don't pay. You know what I'm saying. If we did, I would.

Speaker 3:

That's not. Yeah, okay, cool, just making it. I mean you can drop the whole.

Speaker 2:

Oh my bad, are you excited for anything? I didn't know what you were doing. I thought that was the exit. He was giving you, the exit clause. No, no, bro, I was literally thinking. Oh man, I accidentally pressed this one, the first one.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you thought it was music, bro, whole new clip Just slide it down, bro, just slide it down.

Speaker 3:

I was going to give you a moment to give your final thoughts.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I thought that's what we were doing. I thought we were going to do the speed run next.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can't wait to get a Doctor who episode.

Speaker 3:

We didn't get an Arcane episode. We fucking love Arcane.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we had a lot of League I wanted to do a Gundam episode.

Speaker 3:

I wanted to talk about Tomb Raider, lara Croft. There were so many things, so many other shit.

Speaker 1:

Secret level Amazon Prime. Guys, go check that shit out. 15 episodes peak.

Speaker 3:

You watched five episodes you said right, I watched the first half. I watched the first half. The first half is peak, great, right, good acting. That armor core short was K Reeves delivered. K Reeves K.

Speaker 2:

Reeves 2020,. I look forward to more travel, some more stories like Vegas trips that I did. That's right. We got a bunch of movies that we gotta watch Absolutely A bunch of more things to do, more activities, more Red Pill, to be honest, some more experiences out there. One thing it's for my birthday. I remember for my birthday we had like a badass event and there was this tall ass, huge ass, amazonian black girl. Yeah, anything's possible, guys.

Speaker 3:

You almost got pregnant.

Speaker 2:

I almost got pregnant that night and I missed her. Anything's possible guys. So 2025, expect Kevin Garnett, angie, anything is possible. Anything is possible.

Speaker 3:

Anything is possible. Climb those ladders.

Speaker 1:

Climb those ladders, brother. Climb those ladders, go up those stairs.

Speaker 3:

Take the long way If the scenic route.

Speaker 2:

It will be eat your vegetables. That'll be my only advice I got for you 2025. Eat your vegetables. I'm going to go. That's about it, guys. Happy New Year's, Merry Christmas.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we didn't talk about Anime Dallas. I mean, that was really good. It just reminded me of Anime Dallas. We did a panel on how to start a podcast Really good panel. This guy over here is a motivational speaker, as you know. There was a moment where he finished giving a motivational two-minute rundown and a guy started a slow clap.

Speaker 1:

He literally hit me with the slow clap. It reminded me of the scene from Not Another Team movie. You know what I'm saying? We're homeboy with the slow clap.

Speaker 3:

He did this and nobody clapped, so he looked around and put his head up, but it was a really good speech. At the very end we got a really big ovation. Some really bad applause for this guy it was.

Speaker 1:

It was a lot of love again.

Speaker 3:

Those guys were awesome slow clap fucking kill me. I wanted to like bust out laughing. I know in the moment I was like thank you, sir, thank you.

Speaker 1:

You're a scholar and a gentleman. Yeah, man, uh, let's see what else we got, uh, for me. I guess my final little takes, real quick, are just going to be I appreciate you guys very, very much. I appreciate each and every one of you guys that tunes in and watches and listens to our show. We appreciate you guys so, so much. Again, we do this every single week, every other week for you guys, every other month.

Speaker 2:

Thank you guys for tuning in. You know what I'm saying.

Speaker 1:

But we have a great doing it. We hope that you guys take away something, that it's a fun experience and then we look forward to more Again. Like you said, more Red Pill, more jokes, more movies. We gotta watch Venom 3. We gotta watch Venom 3. We gotta watch Venom 3. We gotta watch Wicked, just so.

Speaker 3:

I can talk mess about it.

Speaker 1:

I just watched Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings. You know what I'm saying. We're all hot Theater 2, muf about it. There's so many other the Complete Unknown, timothee Chalamet's movie that's about to come out. There's so much more stuff, guys, that we have to get through. We have to power through in order to Sonic 3, guys, Sonic 3's coming out.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

Sonic 3. I already liked it.

Speaker 3:

Do you want to go watch it tonight?

Speaker 1:

I do want to go watch it, let's bounce, let's go. Last thing is I just want to say for the guys who, for each and every one of you male, female, non-gender, whatever you guys want to go by you made it to the end of the year. Thank you guys so much for sticking by. Again, you guys made it to 365. You got another 365 ahead of you. Any adversities you guys came through today, you'll be able to get over the next one tomorrow. There is no problem that god can't handle.

Speaker 3:

You guys can do it amen, hey, if anything, and the only thing I can add to that Is we learn from. We learn from meeting Like a lot of our friends that one thing they like Is just that we are ourselves, yeah. So our advice back to them Is like no, be your best self.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

So just be who you are, and you know, things will come your way the way they're supposed to. Si se puede, look at me I'm a fucking geek.

Speaker 1:

Facts Look at his mom. I'm sorry, but I don't know where that came from.

Speaker 2:

Look at this guy. I apologize.

Speaker 1:

Look at their mom. All right, guys, suki, where's my music? Super low. Thank you so much. All right, ladies and gentlemen, that's right. There you go. Podcast. This is one of your hosts. It's your boy, merc. Please make sure you guys are following us on twitter, instagram, youtube and tiktok, all at wbm underscore podcast and this your boy expert.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for sticking us with us this entire year. I want to wish from our family to yours a very merry christmas, a happy new year, and make sure you tell all your relatives and friends, when you're hanging out with them, to listen to us in Amazon. Amazon Podcast, spotify, stitcher, apple Podcast, all that jazz.

Speaker 3:

And this is your boy, oscar, and the man and the man, as always. Check out the website WBNPodcastcom. Every episode has two links One to support the show If you like what we do, support the show, it'll give us a chance to do more episodes and another one for send us text message. You can always message us on Instagram, everywhere on social media, and we'll respond to your messages. We love you, guys. Happy New Year, merry Christmas, peace.