WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
The Three Best Bros anybody could have (feat. Oski, xFer, and Merc) sit down and go into all sorts of topics while also diverging into wild content. Anime! Pop culture, video games, movies, books, science fiction and actual science. Nothing is safe from the Witty Banter Media treatment. Every episode tends to take an unexpected left turn, so listener discretion advised. However, follow along and you will see they always bring it back full circle. Do not take the WBM Podcast team too seriously because they will never be above a witty joke!
WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
The Penguin Finale: Say Hello to the Bad Guy
The power struggle in Gotham reaches its peak in "The Penguin" season finale. Colin Farrell's unique portrayal of Oswald Cobblepot paints him as a master of deception, willing to do whatever it takes to reach the top. The boys talk about his backstory and his twisted relationship with his mother. The Penguin's transformation in this final episode cements his title as a true villain and Gotham's underworld Kingpin. Did you see the Court of Owls!? How about "The Godfather" references!? Hey, wait... This can't be right... Catwoman is Sofia's sister!? Find out on this week's episode of Witty Banter Media!!
#ThePenguin #SofiaGigante #TheBatman
good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for tuning in to the wbm podcast. This is one of your hosts it's your boy, mark.
Speaker 2:Welcome back. Everybody feels good to be back. Feels good to be back.
Speaker 3:This is your boy x-fan and here's your boy oski, in the mix Guys if you don't get it. We're talking about the.
Speaker 1:Penguin. It just wrapped. Season finale was epic Great eight episodes and we're all about it. This episode.
Speaker 2:That's right, guys. We're talking about all spoilers, last episode, the entire series of the Penguin, matt Reeves universe, make sure you go watch it.
Speaker 3:if you haven't watched it Spoilers or even if you need something to convince you to watch it. Listen to this episode.
Speaker 1:That's right guys.
Speaker 2:All right guys, you guys ready, ready.
Speaker 1:Let's fucking go.
Speaker 3:Well, we're back for another week. I know we took a little bit of a break, but we just had to wait for the Penguin to end, because it was that good.
Speaker 1:It was that good, hot damn. I really didn't. There was nothing else I was watching right now.
Speaker 3:There was nothing else. We were watching Peak. He wanted to go learn martial arts. I did. I decided to take a trip to a monk A monastery, a monastery, a monastery. To a monk To a monastery. To a nunnery with you, find inner peace.
Speaker 2:And I stay here with both their moms to take care of them.
Speaker 1:Now you set them up, bro. How's it?
Speaker 3:going. How's it going?
Speaker 1:I can't even be mad at you. Call me Victor. Oh yeah, I'm sad for it, like we always do?
Speaker 2:We're talking about peaking this TV. It is a golden era of TV, honestly guys, absolutely guys.
Speaker 1:I mean Colin Farrell produced man.
Speaker 3:Colin Farrell produced it.
Speaker 1:No, oh Like, what are you talking about? But?
Speaker 3:Colin Farrell did such a good job.
Speaker 1:He delivered. That's right, my man.
Speaker 3:We talked about it during the premiere. We talked about it during the Batman movie.
Speaker 2:But after watching all eight episodes, god, what a performance. Yeah man, he does everything, bro. Best actor, best actress, best director, best cinematographer, best dancer, best guy that brought the cookies that day at staff. I'm sure he ordered uber for everybody, so he gets in the war for that too like everything right he gets his own makeup award. You know, I know he didn't do himself, but you know, everything was so good about him, bro, for.
Speaker 3:For sure, the series is probably going to get an Emmy for best leading actor and actress. Probably yeah absolutely. They're definitely going to get an Emmy for best costume design.
Speaker 2:Absolutely man, and if it was good that you know custom design is back, you know At least. Yeah.
Speaker 1:No man.
Speaker 2:Too much.
Speaker 3:CGI out there man.
Speaker 1:Absolutely Very the fact that they used all.
Speaker 3:it was all makeup, it was all like prosthetics on Colin Farrell.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. And grade A acting, bro, grade A acting, you know.
Speaker 3:And you know what, on this last episode it's crazy how, yeah, we see him like all like I don't know, basically like all fancy, but in this last episode he looked very disheveled and you could see it on his eyebrows and his hair. He looked sick man. He looked shoveled and you can see it on his eyebrows, on his hair he looks, sick man he looks sick and disheveled as the penguin right, but then even dad, they like, designed it good acting and then again it lines up to his character being stabbed.
Speaker 2:Obviously, but that scene with his mom yeah let's start out there because what his mom was very important. Because how the episode starts out with a very dark recap reminding me of the arkham games where, like sometimes, as bruce, you navigate through his childhood like world. Yeah, in the games that reminded me that, the Arkham games where, like sometimes, as Bruce, you navigate through his childhood like world, in the games that reminded me that scene because you're going back in time into that specific moment that was like traumatizing, because you know, cobblepot says that scene in the episodes to homegirl. Like, hey, when I was a kid my mom was depressed. Come to find out she comes out making decisions to cap her own son that day.
Speaker 3:Because, like she said, I'm raising the devil. It was a good callback to the earlier episode where it was like, yeah, it was just me and my mom. We went out dancing and that's how she finally got better. She got over the death of my brothers. Yeah, how he interpreted it. It was a callback, a very specific callback earlier in the season to that night.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man. And that sets the tone To what kind of a demon Is the penguin man? Cause it tells you Right off the bat, bro, there's no saving this Thing. You know, I know it's in the body Of a child, as they say, when the show right, obviously it is a child, and shout out to the little kid the actor.
Speaker 1:The little kid actor. Oh, that played. Yeah, young Cobblepot, young Cobblepot yeah.
Speaker 2:Good job. He was talking about how the psyche of the character I was like, oh man, you're so young already like breaking down the character he was into it. He was so good, absolutely, man. Shout out to that actor, man.
Speaker 3:Already such a thespian Hey-o.
Speaker 2:I thought it was really cool.
Speaker 1:Well, he's like look you can do two things you can cherish this and nurture this, and he can be a fucking menace.
Speaker 2:Yeah, pablo Escobar.
Speaker 3:The way he sold. It was good man or you can let him go.
Speaker 1:But when you mean let him go, bro, that scene was fucking wild, dog, I can take a ride and the fact that a child that killed his two brothers. Don't forget a child that killed his two brothers knowingly killed his two brothers, lied to his mom about it, bro, and then she knew he was sick dog. Whenever he's like I know you miss mom, I do too oh yeah, that shit was diabolical crazy diabolical man no, I like the way they set up the scene.
Speaker 3:We basically go back in time and we see the young version of her, that actress and then we see the older version in the past yes and then, as the scene progresses, there's a moment where she questions it.
Speaker 2:She's peak.
Speaker 3:Yeah, she questions the scene and all of a sudden you see the red strobe light and you see Julian in the background. That was so good, that was so good man, because she gets pulled out of the scene. And then Julian is like we're still here, we're still in.
Speaker 1:Monroe's.
Speaker 3:Go with it that night with your kid. Let's go back to it, do you remember?
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's right, she's muttering and she breaks character too. Within the bar she's like huh, yes, I don't remember this. It was so cool man that was good, that was good.
Speaker 3:I still think that Dr Julian should have been some kind of ode or some kind of reference to it.
Speaker 1:Season two bro Season, two Chill or Batman 2.
Speaker 3:Batman 2. Or Batman 2.
Speaker 1:Colin Farrell's already said, scenes in Batman 2 and I signed on for the third movie, bro dang oh because Jillian works at Arkham.
Speaker 3:So he's still working at Arkham. We find out that he went to Arkham. He still works there.
Speaker 2:He never quit he was here keeping an eye on Hogarth the whole time. He never let it go which.
Speaker 3:I thought was amazing or like maybe his other experiments or maybe now that he's like man, maybe he like messes with people in some kind of way at night, so he could eventually become some kind of villain. Uh, but it's still. I mean, we don't really get a reference to that.
Speaker 1:This, he's just jillian I still like, I still think it was a very cool concept yeah I thought that whole scene was amazing. That was such a cool ass breakdown of how it was that moment that she finally made the decision because, again, even Cobblepot sold her bro. He's like, look, I'm gonna take care of you, I'm gonna give you the life, killed it, bro. I'm telling you he sold the shit out of that to his mom. He's like, look, I'm gonna get you everything you deserve okay.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna get you everything you deserve.
Speaker 1:I'm gonna get you in the penthouse and she's just like it's gonna be to be the nicest.
Speaker 3:People are going to look at you and they're going to think she matters, she's important.
Speaker 2:I thought they were going to say, like I dropped a line, they're going to think look, that's one of the Waynes. You know, I thought they were going to drop a line like that Because they're part, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:That would have been badass. Yeah, that would have been badass. But no, just don't give up on me, bro, because, look, the power of the mother is real, bro. We saw it when his mom was on his side, bro, she was a menace, he was a menace. They were unstoppable together. But when she turned on him, bro, when she remembered all the shit and chose to open up Pandora's box, and said all that hurtful shit.
Speaker 1:those were all things that he had heard, like the director said, for the first time, that was a therapeutic session that was going on, bro, that was personal shit.
Speaker 3:Even Sophia is calling it out. This is good for y'all. This is a therapy session.
Speaker 1:No, and the fact that he was willing to let his own mom's pinky go.
Speaker 3:He's like no man, Mom, this is your nah man, it's your mind, it's your disease.
Speaker 2:This never happened. I thought you were going to say we never had brothers.
Speaker 1:Fuck you. Oh shit, that's his mama, bro, that's his mama.
Speaker 2:And then mama said you were willing for them to take my pinky on. I hate you.
Speaker 1:I hate you. I never stopped hating you.
Speaker 2:Just tell her already, bro. Fuck just tell her stopped hating.
Speaker 1:You just tell her already, bro, fuck just tell her, I know, but the thing is.
Speaker 2:Here's the thing this is real because it really happened in real life. I like compare the history of Pablo, because his mom, she wore the best Gucci suits at her age 65, 50, while he was blowing up his country. But the mom cherished this monster because in return, this monster gave her they had Picassos In their house, they had jewelry. So, like, this really happened, like Pablo really Like put her mom At the behest of his you know, and then he did what Penguin did. No, I gave you jobs, I gave you, you know.
Speaker 1:I took care of the people.
Speaker 2:Remember we had a conversation.
Speaker 1:About this.
Speaker 2:In one of our podcasts earlier. So you see this Everything with Penguin. But at the end of the day, apollo don't give a shit, neither does Penguin you know High level evil.
Speaker 3:You know he does love his mom Bro.
Speaker 1:But, his mom having a stroke.
Speaker 3:His mom was still a badass.
Speaker 2:She made a deal with the devil she was.
Speaker 3:We didn't talk about it, but in the second to last episode, whenever she confronts Sophia, the first time she.
Speaker 1:She was such a bad bitch. She was such a bad bitch, bro.
Speaker 3:She was such a bad bitch, she was telling her I was like my son played all of y'all. No, that's what I'm saying. She created this monster.
Speaker 1:She made a deal with the devil.
Speaker 3:She did, and that's why her faith was that.
Speaker 2:So she's like you got what you wanted, you got the penthouse, but at what cost? At that cost. But before we like all poor her like back to the Gigante, like with Rex guy, he's like she chose the other option. Instead of saying like hey, go for a ride with Rex, she said like alright, fuck it, I'm gonna climb this motherfucker to the top you know, and she sure did she used him.
Speaker 1:She sure did, and he's like.
Speaker 3:I'm loyal to you she could be mad about it, but you know she knew the stroke, bro.
Speaker 1:I didn't see that shit coming.
Speaker 2:When she had the stroke I was like oh, no, I felt so bad, I thought that she died. Well see.
Speaker 3:I like that they set that up, that his mom could still come out of the vegetative state, yeah, so basically she's still awake in there in some way oh, maybe that was a tease that even though she's in there like her mind still works in there. Yeah, yeah again because they again.
Speaker 1:The director said it very well. He's like he got all the way to this point for her. He is now too selfish to let her go she is now they both are in the state that he never wanted to see her in yeah a vegetative state, a state where you know they couldn't, they couldn't fuck with each other.
Speaker 1:And that's exactly where they're at now and I feel like, again, that's the best penance for this fucking guy who had to turn over on so many people to get where he was, like he wanted to get he happened to him like multiple times too, whenever he was fighting sal maroney.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah maroney barbecued his fucking family. Maroney gets a heart attack. You know, yeah, yeah, and penguin is like come on, sal, we're supposed to. You're supposed to take me out. Yeah, you were supposed to take me out, you're supposed to destroy me bro. I beat you, Let me have this.
Speaker 1:You know, I beat you.
Speaker 3:You hear me, I'm better he gets taken away from him. And that's the same thing with his mom. He gets taken away from him. He doesn't get to like whoa, that's random. He just had a heart attack. No, he's not, because he's like I should have shorted you.
Speaker 2:He didn't savor the gun down.
Speaker 3:It was stolen Like that wind was stolen from him by a heart attack.
Speaker 2:That makes a lot of sense. That makes a lot of sense Instead of a fight to the death.
Speaker 1:He just killed over it, bro.
Speaker 2:He just fought a dying man that was past his.
Speaker 3:He gets so mad he shoots him like three times after that. Yeah, he shoots him because he's mad and he's mad.
Speaker 1:That's that impulse, but the fact the way that he was able to turn that story to the councilman, bro. Fucking genius, oh man. Genius, that was good, genius that was good.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's like under all that rubble you're going to find one of the biggest drug labs. You know, You're going to find Salvatore Maroney Well his man oh bro.
Speaker 2:And what caused it? And Sofia blew it up.
Speaker 1:She went crazy after her brother died. You know that shit was wild and he paints it.
Speaker 2:You can blame the other party. You see, your relaxed laws on crime have led to this disaster and you can ride this to the top. Oh, you got my vote, councilman. You turned the lights back on.
Speaker 3:Councilman, you took out the two biggest gangsters.
Speaker 1:Councilman, you got my vote. No, the councilman was being an asshole, so he's just like. I guess it's pretty good. He's like you fucking piece of shit.
Speaker 3:You know it's good. Yeah, you know it's good. You, son of a bitch. And again the exchange.
Speaker 1:He didn't ask for money. He didn't ask for protection. I want to be welcome in a place like this.
Speaker 2:That's the worst, that's the gangster. That's gangster as fuck bro and that's what I love about Penguin because they bring homages and like I'm gonna bring, I'm gonna start here with the godfather, but it does put like he's like he puts his pinky with the Maronis and they all did, they all put their pinky in the government and you know, like We'll help you out. And Penguin's doing that now and I think they even showed a scene where he walks up inside the house. Yeah, the steps.
Speaker 2:Where he's looking up and sees the mayor. I think they're teasing that. I agree 100%.
Speaker 3:He's going to try to corrupt her or whatever. Yeah, he's going to try to get her, or that he himself would have come to mirror the city, which is like a very criminal Kingpin thing to do, did.
Speaker 2:Oh, that was a way better that was the court of owls Cause we're there already, so yes, oh, I didn't think about that.
Speaker 3:Did you see the?
Speaker 2:court. So, if you see, if you go in court and it's true, I went back to the episode the curtains are shaped In owls. Oh, all of them. There's like six of them, seven of them.
Speaker 3:And he's in the middle.
Speaker 2:And then you bring that up, because I think that's what happens. I think he discovers Like the underground world when like hey, well, I guess you know, and that's why he did the long pause. If anything happens, who am I gonna blame? This criminal named the Penguin Instead of the Corvallos, you know, but if you go back In the episode, you see when he breaks the hammer and you just pay attention.
Speaker 3:Besides, the conversation.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, yeah it. The curtains are in shape of owls.
Speaker 1:Dude, that's so Da, da, da, da, da, da, da da da, and it makes sense as to why there was such a wide shot of that, why they wanted to show you the entire court, like that entire you know that council room or whatever.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I didn't think too much of that Go back and check it.
Speaker 2:Go back and check it, guys. That's a really good reference Go.
Speaker 1:I was just thinking that the mayor had a slinging arm. I was like, oh, he figured out why her slinging. That's gonna connect to season 2. Like something happened she was in the car wreck or some shit no, that's from the.
Speaker 3:That's the water, yeah mind you, this was one week after oh, this is the the water terrorist attack.
Speaker 1:I completely forgot about that. I mean again the time.
Speaker 3:it just seems it's wild Batman's still like injured, like oh, my back, yeah.
Speaker 2:And then you can see the way he got hurt. Because if you see the movie, the way he fell in that water, like seriously bro, I'm injured bro.
Speaker 3:Like I'll get up. You know it's nobody mentioning the Batman. I mean, the Batman is like this is terrible.
Speaker 2:I just saw because he got injured Like you saw him, he got, he really he got.
Speaker 3:But that's a good way to put it. It's like he's been injured this whole time.
Speaker 2:He got a shotgun, like you know, point blank. That's right Like uh.
Speaker 1:He knocked the wind out of my chest, bro. I had fun. I wasn. This blew up the drug lab. He's cool. Now Come on. No, but Okay, real quick. Two other things real fast. When Sofia was willing To give up the fucking, the business, the whole family industry, I thought that was cool, that she was willing To make it out. Oh yeah, in that second to last episode. I'm glad you brought that up.
Speaker 3:Cause she finally talks about how I'm still playing my father's game. Yeah, Like I'm still playing the game, Yep. So in that second to last episode she makes the decision. It's like I'm done with this.
Speaker 1:I'm out Now. Let's bring it to the helicarrier Right To the hangar, to the hangar. When that shit, when everything goes, left dog.
Speaker 2:Before you get there. It was like the thing about before you get there. It's about her, because she had multiple opportunities to run her life.
Speaker 3:Like literally, yes, they gave you out, but like it's, it was her like there's another opportunity. When julian asked her, he's like we could just leave. Yes, she has multiple opportunities to get out.
Speaker 2:She does it because she like wants this, she wants revenge like. She's so like into, like on, like vengeance is like her theme. Is her all revenge like no, I want blood for what happened to me.
Speaker 1:I called it though, bro. Uh pot's wife thought everybody that she had.
Speaker 2:She burned her house, she lost everything and then he finally fucking turned her in. Bro, I called it, I prognosticated the shit out of that. Yeah, man, yeah, yeah.
Speaker 1:So yeah, when the the hangar scene bro yeah, one of that hangar scene was crazy to me because when, when you saw pots, uh or uh, the penguin start smiling, I was like no fucking way everybody turn pop, pop pop. Oh shit, hey, hand it over yeah give it to me. Nice and slow, and Vic was the one who said give me the peace give me the fucking peace cause.
Speaker 3:Then she intimidated his ass one time right, and then she looks at him like oh shit the fuck this listening.
Speaker 1:He stuttered throughout the series, which I thought it was really good great guy, he would still come up every now and then, but he's, he like, started getting more when he got mad bro in that other episode he was talking shit to everybody in the uh, all the leaders, or?
Speaker 3:whatever. Yeah, that was at the beginning of the episode.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that was great, that was fucking awesome that scene reminded me of the movie sicario, like the tension, like we're all in the car, like the camera's in the car you're in the car too the audience, and like you point out to this explosion, like they feel like the movie sicario. We're like in there in that scene, in the bridge.
Speaker 1:Yes, that's what I felt like that was a cool last scene, dog.
Speaker 3:It was really really cool and I think, uh, that points to see right there. When link walks up to him, it's like bro, shut the fuck shut the fuck up. Know your place but uh, know your place, but at the same time it's Link. He's the one that turns.
Speaker 1:And Vic was the one that said that from the beginning. Even Oz admitted it. He's like. I never thought turning Link would be the fucking smart move. But you're right.
Speaker 3:And when Sofia asked him how do you flip Link? Because, it wasn't even Penguin that flipped him, it was fucking.
Speaker 1:Victor, it was his boy, bro, yes, and he was like the guys got tired of getting the fuck over, which is even more fucked up, because I don't think Penguin would have had to win if Victor didn't flip him.
Speaker 3:He wouldn't have dog.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it was it.
Speaker 3:He was the one that gave him the out.
Speaker 1:That's right, that was it, bro, that was it.
Speaker 3:And that here ends up killing him.
Speaker 1:Look, you know what's crazy. The dude homeboy that worked for the Triads Link was actually honest move we let's. It's time to do it now, because there was a moment there whenever he's calling link is like yo, where are you, where you at? Yeah, it's a setup.
Speaker 2:I was like he's fucking him over bro and then in the end he's like nah, bro, that was a real ass phone call. Hey, bro, she's making the movie. You ready to make the shit?
Speaker 1:yeah so it was awesome to see that shit come all the way fucking full circle for you.
Speaker 2:So that was very, very cool, okay, just real quick, like I know I mentioned a little bit earlier, like all the homages that Penguin does to gangster movies. Yeah, like the scene about Flippant like that you brought up, like how each underling kills their own boss, which is very brutal.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, but I wonder if you guys, whoever the editor, whoever it probably be, like there's a scene by scene comparison. It reminded me a lot of how the Godfather, part One, ended, which is a baptism, a satanic baptism. Because at the end they ask, they ask Marco Corleone, do you reject Satan and all his words of pleasing you, a Catholic Satan? He's like yes, I do, I reject Satan. Right, as soon as it happens in that movie the piano goes and then every scene cuts in. Marco Corleone kills all five bosses of the high-level families in New York City. Oh shit, one gets shot, shut down the elevator. One gets his cutthroat when he was getting a shave, one gets gunned down when he's with his mistress. You know. He's like do you uh, michael Cole? You know, uh, a love God. And above all that the Catholic saying he's like I do. A next scene he shoots everybody else Right of the ending of Godfather.
Speaker 2:How Michael solidifies his position as the Godfather by taking every single top member out. Penguin does the same. He solidifies his position by taking every top member down.
Speaker 3:That's right, yeah, doug, yeah he makes the place, everybody.
Speaker 1:He does man.
Speaker 3:He does a great job at it and at the same time, those people that killed their leaders I mean they still wanted that top seat. Yes, leaders, I mean they still wanted that top seat. Yes, they were all like, yeah, absolutely, link is gonna get to lead the dialogue. But and then sofia asked him, he's like, well, I don't know if that's gonna work, but he's gonna get a chance to lead the dialogue.
Speaker 1:I was like that's, all he wanted was a chance, the same thing that vic wanted. Just give me a chance. You know that's what he said in the very fucking beginning. Yeah, but I love it now, because now they're indebted to oz. Yeah, they are Because of him. They grew the balls to actually make the move.
Speaker 2:So, yeah, now that's why he's going to be leaving this shit. And Oz gets stronger by putting him in the political position. It's hard for these, like the Dai Lao and everybody else, to get him if he has political strong connections. Absolutely yeah, it makes it tougher on them.
Speaker 1:But okay, so now I mean all great shit.
Speaker 3:Now we're at the ending. Right, fucking Sophia gets caught. She's back in Arkham. She's fucked man.
Speaker 1:I thought it was crazy, bro, because in that scene, you know, she thinks that Oz is gonna shoot her.
Speaker 3:Oh man, she takes her last, final breath, bro and she's legit, she knows like, she knows she's welcoming death, yeah, yeah. And then cut to the cop showing off and you can see it in her face. Fuck, because to her this is a fate worse than worse than death.
Speaker 2:Going back to arkham and he's like finally got out. He's like you're going to hell, sweetheart. Like I was like damn I'm not killing you, stupid yeah, but at the same time I can double it short because she says I'll save you a seat.
Speaker 1:You know absolutely look, look, if she sees his ass in Arkham, which eventually he'll get there because of Batman.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's on, dun, dun dun dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, dun, bro, I'm telling you, it's pretty good man.
Speaker 3:You know, I myself thought he was going to shoot her.
Speaker 1:Me too. I thought he was going to put the bullet too. I was like it's a close-up shot, it's going to be graphic, it's just going to be a flash of light.
Speaker 3:I thought it was going to be like splatter and shit Is it going to cut to black? Is it going to be like?
Speaker 1:a thing where, like the imagination, just cut to black to hear the sound effect.
Speaker 3:Oh, we're going to hear the shot You're going to hear the shot Black Nothing, or it's Fucking the boy style Slow motion, like bullet coming to the forehead.
Speaker 2:Oh shit, yeah, yeah, oh, I actually thought it was going to be a scene where she closed her eyes and the camera kind of spanned like horizontally and she's in her already her female two. Oh yeah, that would've been.
Speaker 3:I thought that'd be the.
Speaker 2:Scorsese shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I thought that.
Speaker 2:That would've been.
Speaker 3:That was the best plot. The fact that he didn't kill her and sent her back to Arkham it was all part of the plan. It was all part of the narrative that you later find out that was the best plot absolutely fucking great spoilers.
Speaker 1:No, no, no, and then ultimately, alright. So now, if you're this far, so Oz at this point, now makes it back home to the Flatiron Tower, right, or it's the Flat Tower, or whatever, the flat building, the Flatiron Building over there in New York it looks like the Flatiron Building, but I mean it's Gotham City.
Speaker 3:Yeah, it's Gotham City, but their version of it.
Speaker 2:Wait, after he takes her he goes straight to his mom. But his mom, when we circle in the back, oh shit, you're right Giant scene, one of the big scenes down circling back circling back.
Speaker 2:That's where we started yeah, yeah, uh, well, she became the best state when, like, she meets her. You know the deal with the devil, like you know, yeah, cash is in. Yeah, cash is in. That's right, because he even said, hey, I probably promised to fulfill. You know, like, that's kind of like airy now that you think about it the way he said it. Yeah, but that was I don't know if you said it here podcast or you said it like post but his transformation, like uh, I'm glad I want to bring it up now because you can see, like in that scene, like his, his, uh, I don't know if they made it darker, but his uh yeah, yeah, right here over those few over, I think, it's like over that day he's been, he's been through some shit.
Speaker 1:Yeah, he's been stabbed. Explosion yeah mom.
Speaker 3:You know it's crazy that would make up when the prosthetics you can kind of see that he's getting darker. Yeah.
Speaker 1:Absolutely so. I thought it was really cool with one of the emotional scenes that he has in the nurse Whenever she goes, he goes off. He's like you're just a stupid fucking nurse. Give me the fucking doctor.
Speaker 3:Give me the fucking doctor, I mean.
Speaker 1:I was like damn dog.
Speaker 3:So anyway, victor's just sitting there like yeah, he's like I don't know what to do.
Speaker 1:He breaks down. That was his mistake.
Speaker 2:Victor should have never been in that room. Never should have been there.
Speaker 1:He should have left Outside, outside, like a good bodyguard, yep, but he was there and he even put his hand On Oz's back. That's what fucked him and I think.
Speaker 3:I think he actually like Also, like kind of Fucks himself. When he opens up to us, it's like we're family, y'all, we're family now. And that's when he realizes it. It's like, oh fuck.
Speaker 1:I can't have any more family. He's like you're the only family I got left in kid and that shit kills me and I can't fucking have that anymore. It's a weakness.
Speaker 2:And so that's my confusion. That's the evil side of it.
Speaker 1:We see the actual birth of the penguin as, as soon as he gets done, choking him out bro. That smile and the tooth Dude bro. That was it.
Speaker 2:Scary the way the camera focused on his face like he became a demon. Bro Peak cinema.
Speaker 3:Bro Peak. I was going to sleep but I got scared.
Speaker 2:Because it's been a while, like a show scared me Like that, Like what the fuck?
Speaker 1:The look, the smile, the smirk, the underbite I mean everything the angle, the light, all of it. It was fucking badass, yeah, the way he was breathing hard and everything.
Speaker 2:You're a good man. You got to breathe hard. When he's choking his mouth, he's like me, and you did this together brother, me and you.
Speaker 1:You were here from the beginning.
Speaker 3:You saw it all.
Speaker 1:You saw my ups and my downs. You saw all the shit with my moms. You was there, vic, you was in it. I can't take you with me, so what?
Speaker 2:does that mean Like he can't take you with him Because, like Vic, would have moved pounds For this motherfucker? No, no, no.
Speaker 1:Because Vic is his conscience. That's his Jiminy Cricket. He killed his conscience and therefore killed his heart.
Speaker 3:I don't know it was weird because it was like a parallel from the beginning of the episode. It's like see when rex is talking about it. Yeah, what I look for is kids looking for a dad. So he talks about loyalty. He would have had undying loyalty in big yeah, which is something that's referenced earlier in the episode yeah well, he still kills him yeah, it was like I don't know. I mean, os is not even a good leader, he's not even a good gangster, he's not even Rex.
Speaker 3:The gangster that he idolizes is not even him.
Speaker 1:I think even his dream has changed beyond that. Now he's crossed the line, even where it's crazier for him Beyond where Rex is, because I feel that if Vic would have stayed, he would have slowed him down. He would have told him no, you can't do this, and where Oz is about to go, he can't have somebody holding him back like that. He's about to do darker and heavier shit. This was bad. Season 2 is going to get even crazier he's going to be like Walter White, bro.
Speaker 2:You know what I'm saying the more hair he loses the less fucks he gives Walter White. Walter White redeemed himself at the end by saving Jesse. So oh, yeah. So I give him that. Yes, there's some similarities. But Walter, why? He's already affected? Because he's saved.
Speaker 1:I'm not saying that, I'm just saying like the less fucks is the only.
Speaker 2:Gangster character evil that found. One redemption was saving Jesse, but that's for another episode.
Speaker 1:It's gonna come full circle.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's stealing his money and then throwing the ID also broke my heart because it just really went to show like he just did not like give a fuck?
Speaker 3:Yeah, he didn't give a fuck, oh no. He opens the wallet, takes the money and then just throws the ID so they couldn't identify the body.
Speaker 1:I thought he was going to keep him, bro. To be honest, he's like get the fuck out of here.
Speaker 3:Yeah, and then you realize he's throwing it, so nobody identifies the body he's like it looks like a bug.
Speaker 2:And then he's doing one of the episodes where, like when Sophia and Maloney crack into Penguin's apartment, he's like what's this? It's a picture of his brother. He's like oh, there's his brother, but they died. And he's like man, he's got nothing. He's got nothing, yeah. So. I feel, that's what it is also like why he killed Vic because there is nothing that you can get yeah, exactly nothing.
Speaker 1:That is hard, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:Well, he says nah, I can't have that weakness.
Speaker 1:Yeah, damn and then, okay, now we're at the end, he shows up, he's finally got the top hat.
Speaker 3:It's cool yeah, the top hat, the top hat the top tuxedo bow tie.
Speaker 1:I was Monaco season 2.
Speaker 3:There was the canes right there next to the mirror.
Speaker 1:I thought it was amazing it is locked.
Speaker 2:It looks so like a villain. It looks like this orderly, a big picture you know, but, it looks really nice, very baroque, you know what I?
Speaker 1:love. What I love was that it was the the suit. The tuxedo is not because he embraces the symbolism of the penguin. It was homeboy from the tap dancing one, the gangster that's what that homage was.
Speaker 3:He's like wow when I finally made it, and that's why that's what he's still alive. That's what it is. Yeah, yeah, that's what that's his connection good callback.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I thought it was cool and I was like, oh, it's not because he likes be called the penguin, it's just that top tier level of shit and he's already called the penguin. He's in a penguin suit, you know so I don't get.
Speaker 3:It connects to like uh he the councilman tells him it's like if you want to be accepted here, you have to like you gotta look clean, you gotta look like a fucking whistle yeah, he says it and you know that's why at the end he's clean as a whistling, you know yeah, bro, absolutely and then like that and that that the.
Speaker 2:The ending was so disturbing because that prostitute lady at the episode.
Speaker 1:Yes, like the mom wearing the same, the same dress and say tell me you love me. Tell me you love me, ma Tell me you're proud of me.
Speaker 2:He didn't say tell ma he said just tell me you love me. He calls her ma, bro. Subtitles are on the chest.
Speaker 3:Tell me you're proud of me, ma Tell me you love me. Tell me I did good.
Speaker 2:This is goodbye.
Speaker 1:Bro.
Speaker 2:it was sad, I mean he's in the way and that was, and that made me so because I like there was a comment I read like it's like the internet's going crazy, right, and I agree with the statement. And it made me think about it because, like, at the end of the show I felt like a Gotham citizen, helpless, crown Point, a flood, an explosion, you know, a gang war.
Speaker 3:But you got the lights on, though Crown Point is going through it.
Speaker 2:I just got the lights on by a week after bro this county lost their minds in two days bro. Imagine two weeks in the cold as Gotham.
Speaker 3:How the fuck do I move to Metropolis? You know, bro, for real what's the rent there bro.
Speaker 1:Oh, I can't, I'll stay here.
Speaker 2:That's expensive because their guy could be there in a second you pay for the safety.
Speaker 3:Let me go to Star City, superman of Texas. The Flash is quick too. Where's the Flash Central?
Speaker 2:He's there in a second. Bro, Batman is human.
Speaker 1:That's why Gotham's so cheap, though Gotham He'll fuck you up in medical bills.
Speaker 3:Anyway, facts Big cinema, big cinema, big cinema. I loved it. Overall a fantastic oh.
Speaker 1:Sunina Khan, with the black cat being connected, being a Sophia Falcone Catwoman. That was nice. Half sister, fucking awesome Her smiling, her smiling, at the end in the note.
Speaker 2:It gave me a little bit of hope like hopefully breaks her out, or something absolutely or becomes a version of the Huntress or some shit you know that'd be cool.
Speaker 3:I could see that, and then, of course, because the Huntress was a gangster girl Catwoman. Birds of Prey Huntress was a gangster, so it would actually fit that very well.
Speaker 2:I could see that and she's after a pig waiter somebody oh, I could see that I bet a legit one, yeah, and then check it.
Speaker 3:But it was good because I could have completely forgotten about it. Like it's not. It's not so much a plot to it as it like oh yeah, that's right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, selena kyle is carmen falcon's daughter yeah, it's like one of the plot lines of the batman I told you, bro, to carmen falconi's jeans, bro, you had a hot dog, bro, it works again.
Speaker 3:I mean crazy, that was all that was all uh, planted in the Batman, even the whole hangman storyline, how he chokes out all his victims, that's how he killed Selena's mom and that's how he was gonna kill Selena.
Speaker 1:He was gonna choke her out. That was his MO. That's crazy. The episode finally fucking finishes on a high man bro, for real. Episode ends with a giant fucking flashlight.
Speaker 3:I do hope. I do hope that Selena Cole breaks her out and a Burst of Prey reference would be cool.
Speaker 2:I'm going to need Snyder Batman to appear in Batman 2, bro and handle and slap my boy, vic bro, please. I need Snyder Batman bro Him 2, bro and handle and get and slap my boy, vic bro, please. I need Snyder Batman bro Him, him bro, all the steroids bro.
Speaker 3:The Batfleck, yeah, the Batfleck. We need the Batfleck in here.
Speaker 2:I need an Arkham-style 100-piece combo, bro. Just everything bro. Batarangs, batargas. The Penguin empty, whatever the fuck. Everything bro.
Speaker 3:But the the penguin empty, whatever the fuck tack everything, bro, you know, no, but the batman floodlight at the end was gives you a lot of hype.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, it was like the the. I knew we weren't gonna get a cameo.
Speaker 3:I still wish, like I felt like man, we could have gotten a little more, like I don't know, I really want to see gordon. Gordon would have been cool and like uh, arresting sofia. But he still would get the captain which you know. It's still a reference to the movie but you know, that's true. I wanted a bigger cameo.
Speaker 2:Yeah, no for sure. But I mentioned like those actors are so high level. I mean, at this point it's kind of hard to get them, like you know. Yeah, I'm not saying Colin Farrell isn't high level. Yeah, I was about to say.
Speaker 3:Colin Farrell's like.
Speaker 1:He'll be busy now after this.
Speaker 3:He was invested in the character too. He wanted to do it.
Speaker 2:But what do you think it's going to lead to? Man, batman 2. Batman's going to be there. Batman's going to be a crime lord Moving his way up to politics.
Speaker 3:I mean in Batman 2 he's probably going to be the same thing as in Batman 1, where he's not One of the big bads of the movie, he's just a side character. Batman's going to go to him for information again. Where, like he's not the main one of the big bads of the movie, he's just a side character like batman's gonna go to him for information again, you know, yeah he's connected. Now he's gonna be more connected.
Speaker 3:Now he's gonna be the crime boss the kingpin yeah uh, but he's still not gonna be one of the big bads, you know he's gonna have like a very few scenes like in the batman yeah, he's gonna have five or six scenes, which has already been been confirmed. That's my take.
Speaker 2:I think my take for the Batman 2, I hope, because I know Matt Reeves said that. Well, he didn't say but there's a high probability that they may show Mr Freeze, which I think would be fantastic. I would love to see Matt Reeves take on Mr Freeze, but I think it'll be mostly that it's like another disgrled uh member of society. That's from crown point. That uh most likely is like a uh what do you call it? A serial killer that most likely dips his victims in water and freezes them, or nitric oxide or something of the sorts.
Speaker 3:You know they call it mr freeze.
Speaker 2:That's pretty fucking dark, but I'm going, I'm going on the theme of this like, of this world, like and like, uh, and he's. He's going after what Penguin already contaminated, which is all those corrupt politicians which I think will lead, with Harvey Dent showing up for part three or something. Honestly, I don't want to see a Joker in Matt Reeves' universe. I hope Joker does not appear at all in the metri's universe. I want to see like more rogue villains. You know joker can be like just him in the arkham, and you know yeah yeah maybe just see him in the background all the time that's it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yeah, but joker's great, you know. But I mean, it's such a big rogue gallery we can explore other villains.
Speaker 3:Yeah, man, like this penguin the penguin doesn't really get a lot of love in some storylines yeah, absolutely. So the fact that he had this whole series and origin story yeah, but I've had enough jokers, bro.
Speaker 1:There's three jokers in the past five years yeah, I'm good on jokers.
Speaker 2:Yeah, yes, good on joker.
Speaker 1:I haven't seen. This is the only Oswald Cabo Paz that we've had. Two We've only been on TV or one, but the big screen Absolutely. But yeah, I mean the series is going to be fucking lit going forward. It's going to be cool to see where the franchise goes. He is going to be a plot point. Is it going to be all about new families? Who's going to be the new big bad that he faces in the next one? Is there going to be a new rival in the gang? I mean there's a bunch of stories and what ifs and variables that we'd like to see it go down. But you know I'm excited if this is what it is. Season 2, from my mind, is they just keep it the same energy.
Speaker 3:It's going to be amazing. I and again the Penguin was supposed to be a mini series with no second season fair enough, fair enough.
Speaker 2:Hey, it doesn't happen ever again.
Speaker 3:Thank you, and we haven't got any confirmation of a renewal for season two. If it wins an Emmy, it'll get season two. I'm calling it right now if it wins an Emmy and if it gets like a lot of like critical praise little praise yeah. Maybe they'll make a season two, but it was meant to be as a standalone miniseries.
Speaker 1:So was Joker 2, bro. They fucking built the show.
Speaker 3:So was Joker 1. Yeah, that's true. You know what I'm saying. Here we are. You already know how DC works.
Speaker 2:Come on, bro, they just need an award for it, they won an Oscar in the last one.
Speaker 1:Anyway, all right, boys Good stuff.
Speaker 3:Great episode.
Speaker 1:You guys got any final thoughts?
Speaker 3:It was a great series, great series.
Speaker 1:Go watch it guys, go check out.
Speaker 2:The Penguin Peak Cinema. I put this in horror because maybe the ending really just gave me the heebie-jeebies. Yeah, but it's a great gangster show, alone If I'm nearing a season two. Thank you, hbo. Fantastic job, colin Farrell, everybody in the cast peak. Every actress, actor, the side characters, you know, even the guy that just walked by. That one episode did nothing.
Speaker 3:Shout out, shout out to you, buddy, even him, even this random like character that, like uh, abducts couple pod after the explosion.
Speaker 1:The white with the white hair, the guy yeah, oh yeah, oh, out with a nightstick.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you too, buddy it looked like he was somebody and then he just gets shot, one shot.
Speaker 2:I feel bad now for the little girl because she got abandoned.
Speaker 1:She's just now like yeah, sofia told us yeah she's just dead now.
Speaker 3:Oh, that was in that second to last episode.
Speaker 2:Yeah, she did to her what they did to her yeah, and then she realized, but then again she puts her in a position yeah.
Speaker 3:So it got fucked up, but again it's a Greek tragedy. That's right, it's a criminal thriller and none of these characters get a happy ending. Not even Oz really gets a happy ending?
Speaker 2:No, not even. Well, do you think that's foreshadowed what happened to Batman? No, he doesn't get a happy ending.
Speaker 1:No, I don't think it's like that. No, does it get a happy ending? I don't think it's like that. I mean, batman in the comics eventually is a fucking cat woman. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 3:They have kids and shit like that. He has Damien. Something in the way that's what I was about to say he's like well, bruce Wayne does get a happy ending.
Speaker 1:Eventually, he does Well, depending on what timeline that's true, depending on the timeline. That matters timelines. Bruce Wayne does get a half. An injustice is terrible anyway, and in Batman Beyond it's not that great?
Speaker 3:yeah, it's not that great. So you know, old man, bruce, you know, oh, you know what hey.
Speaker 1:Silky, let me get your two cents. Man, I'm really curious because I know you got a chance to watch it over here with us, coon and I. Oh no damn it. There goes our time, ladies and gentlemen, one more time. One more time. All right, this has been one of your hosts. It's your boy, merc. Make sure you guys are following us on all of our social medias Instagram, twitter, snapchat. We don't have that. Make sure you guys are following us at WBM underscore podcast.
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Speaker 3:And it's your boy, oski, and the Mix.
Speaker 2:And the Mix.
Speaker 3:As always, check out the website WBMPodcastcom. You'll find all our library of episodes and in the description for this episode you'll find two links. One is to support the show, if you like what we do, support the show, please. And the other one is to send us us a text message and you'll get a shout out. Shout out to Daniel for the text message. My boy, danny Guys. That's about it.
Speaker 1:WBM Podcast. We love you guys, we appreciate you guys and we'll see you in the next one. Peace.