WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
The Three Best Bros anybody could have (feat. Oski, xFer, and Merc) sit down and go into all sorts of topics while also diverging into wild content. Anime! Pop culture, video games, movies, books, science fiction and actual science. Nothing is safe from the Witty Banter Media treatment. Every episode tends to take an unexpected left turn, so listener discretion advised. However, follow along and you will see they always bring it back full circle. Do not take the WBM Podcast team too seriously because they will never be above a witty joke!
WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
From Copa America Cheers to Anime Egoist
How do you handle life when a hurricane leaves you powerless? Join the boys as they share each of their unique experiences surviving. Also, you ever wondered which is better, natural talent or hard work? The boys take a look at "BLUE LOCK THE MOVIE -EPISODE NAGI-" and breakdown characters Nagi and Isagi, comparing both of their play styles and motivations. Get ready, this is going to be a great episode! ⚽️ 🏟
#CopaAmerica #BlueLock #Football
Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you so much for tuning in to the WBM podcast. This is one of your hosts. It's your boy, Merc.
Speaker 2:Welcome back, everybody, Welcome back. This is your boy X-Fair.
Speaker 3:And this is your boy, oscar, in the mix.
Speaker 1:In the mix. Tell them, merc Guys do? We have one hell of an episode lined up for you this week. There's a lot of stuff that happened.
Speaker 2:Bail came through, beep out. It's a down Copa.
Speaker 1:America went down and had crazy results.
Speaker 3:And I can't believe we watched Blue Lock episode 90. That's right, guys.
Speaker 1:Guys, it's going to be football, panic and pandemonium this episode I hope you guys are ready.
Speaker 3:It's soccer in America.
Speaker 1:Absolutely you guys it's soccer in america. Absolutely, you guys ready, let's go ready, and we're back, ladies and gents, we're back.
Speaker 3:Ladies and gents, we're back for another week.
Speaker 2:We got power back.
Speaker 3:that's why yeah we took a week off. No, we're taking weeks off anyways. We're releasing every other two weeks.
Speaker 2:Shout out to Centerpoint for finally delivering the power.
Speaker 3:Centerpointless we don't want to get too political with Centerpointless.
Speaker 2:If he gives a shout out, put us next in line in queue for the wiring.
Speaker 1:Who determines who goes first? That's what I want to know, bro we're based in Houston.
Speaker 3:We're based in Houston, Texas. As you might know, Hurricane came. Are we yeah, hurricane Cat 1 barrel and knocked out the power for everybody for like a week. Yeah, it was rough.
Speaker 1:Some people are still struggling with the Without Peril right now.
Speaker 3:Yeah, man, At least yeah. One of my coworkers just got power back, like yesterday morning. I was like you've been without power this whole time, son.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I hope. By the time, how long were you?
Speaker 2:out of power.
Speaker 3:I was without power for four days. Peril came through on Monday, I Burrow came through on Monday. I got power back on Thursday evening and it was hot in here. It was hot in the studio.
Speaker 2:I feel you. I was suffering too, bro. I was stuck in Las.
Speaker 3:Vegas.
Speaker 2:Yeah, bro what were you at Vegas?
Speaker 3:I was stuck in Vegas, bro. This motherfucker went out of town. He pulled a Ted Cruz.
Speaker 2:He wasn't even here when he hit me. I was a great abbot, you know Bro.
Speaker 1:When he came back, it was the most annoying shit. He's like hey, bro, can you pick me up something to eat while you're out there?
Speaker 2:I don't know how chaotic. I think there's a tree on top of a water burger.
Speaker 3:I didn't know it was that bad bro yeah, they had one hour lines of water burger and this guy like pick some up because the reason I was out there, because I was at the copy america games, bro, I went to go yeah, because it was july 4 weekends, a lot of people did go out of town on my boy. He ran, I was, I was one of them, bro.
Speaker 2:I found a good deal at the hotel in Vegas. The 4th of July weekend was a good deal. It was like $81 a night. I was like alright, I got the ticket deal for $150 for the flight. I was like, okay, how much is the game? The game being like okay, I get why the lawsuit with Ticketmaster now.
Speaker 3:They tax you, bro.
Speaker 2:The ticket was $170, which is like understandable. It had a fantastic spot, right bro, and they're paying like $285 something because of the fees, man.
Speaker 3:Was that $100 in fees, bro? It got me dude. It's crazy. Everybody kept talking about it, but you know I saved it, I saved.
Speaker 2:So it's something, it's a lifetime event. You know, technically I gotta, I gotta fly to South America to go watch a Brazil versus Uruguay that's the game you want to go watch Brazil versus Uruguay which is two, two of the big ones in the Copa America.
Speaker 3:Copa America is the tournament for Comebol, which is the South American Federation of Soccer but of course they invite the CONCACAF, the North American nations, to join the tournament. And this time they set it up in the States because you know, the World Cup is coming to the States, so it's supposed to be a preview for the World Cup.
Speaker 1:It's going to be wild bro.
Speaker 2:They get a preview Of what is football Of what is football?
Speaker 3:What are real football?
Speaker 2:fans.
Speaker 3:Not soccer, just football. We're talking about football. Hooligans South, we're talking about football hooligans, south American, south American.
Speaker 1:They went out there, bro, wow you got Division I hooligans, division I hooligans.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man and the.
Speaker 3:Euro Cup was happening at the same time and you know watching the Euro Cup like watching like the greats at play.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Watching Copa America as two drunks at a bar fighting.
Speaker 2:It's a boxing fight, bro. Yeah, and that's how it is. That's how like those usually go about. Like the Euro Cup was also a fantastic lineup. We might see Ronaldo's I think it was probably Ronaldo's last.
Speaker 3:I think it was Ronaldo's last cut. That's it Like at the highest level I think he's going to make it the next three years.
Speaker 2:Me a Ronaldo Division I hater was so sad because, like all the memories, because of how great he really was, so good, like they were comparing him to Messi.
Speaker 3:He cried in that last game. Oh yeah, bro, which one? You know which one's the.
Speaker 2:GOAT Rodolillo, Eh chuparão.
Speaker 3:Eh, chuparão Rodolillo talked shit about Brazil before the.
Speaker 2:Understandably so, because even though I was watching them play, watching them warm up was a different world. It was way more fun. Like you see Joga Bonito in the warm up, like like hey, tip out, you know, which is great. But then, when it comes to the play, you're playing European style like where's? The Joga Bonito and maybe that's what he meant. I get the criticism, but to me I was still excited to be there. I was trying to be cool.
Speaker 3:Did you have fun at the actual game with?
Speaker 2:the Brazilians. I had a lot of fun at the game, bro Did you find the love of your life bro, and I lost it bro. Oh, you finally lost it, man. Hey, young Korean girl from San Francisco who took that last minute flight, and a dude like just like me too, I miss you. I took the picture for you, remember you remember I lost you in the crowd, Tim.
Speaker 3:This is Tim. He had the one-piece hat. This is Tim.
Speaker 2:Yes that's me Remember.
Speaker 1:He still remembers you.
Speaker 3:Yeah man, this motherfucker wears it everywhere. It's like a blankie.
Speaker 2:And then he was loving it because it was just like, hey, me too I'm from San Francisco, me to fly. I bought my jazoo bros just now, but she was smart about like, but she had to go to san francisco. I had to fly to texas, but there was a so she returned it afterwards, right but I lost in the crowd. Bro, wherever she's at, I miss you, oh man that sounds like a 12 episode anime, right there, it was like a korean drama, bro, you know I would watch that drama yeah, I would watch him guy from local town takes random trip to vegas yeah, we meet together, we, we meet together, we take pictures.
Speaker 2:We both love Mr Barcelona, we love Bob Messi, our hearts start flying like the anime, hearts above you guys.
Speaker 3:At halftime they have this whole conversation. Stay with me. Sorry, I was laughing During the halftime they have this whole conversation about this is never going to work.
Speaker 1:He leaves right.
Speaker 2:Midgame mad, mid game mad. And then he finds him before the end of the game, bro an extra inning.
Speaker 1:I'm willing to take the chance and then right before we kiss, in order for him to find her he has to like run across the field, absolutely like, literally, get like tackled, and then, when they're there, I'm doing for you, I'm doing for you, and then like we like it, we kiss, and then here go.
Speaker 2:And then you hear crowd goes crazy and he's like, and then one you hear a guy say, hey, man, let them go. And it's my bad, my bad, my bad.
Speaker 1:It fit, it fit. It's from Martino.
Speaker 3:I'll take the picture for them. You know, for the leader I see, but I don't this is just.
Speaker 2:I can't remember. I love how the Brazilians they just be so chill about it because they're like Uruguay's will have such a beautiful song Uruguay regresemos, campeon mundial. And it's cool seeing these people don't know each other. It's like 100 dudes, 80 dudes singing in circle. They just know they're Uruguayan, they just know they know the song.
Speaker 3:That's cool, man, that's cool to see that I mean the fan bases for national teams. That Latin American Hispanic teams is big fan base. Yeah man, they go hard.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and in Europe, like you see, like the English like to have a song like just sing, like melodies throughout the entire game, like their favorite player, oh Saka, like they'll do, like you know, beautiful melodies like the English. Yeah, that's cool man, and then the Mexicans will go. Eh, no, I mean.
Speaker 1:And then it's goofy.
Speaker 3:Yeah, mexicans throw in some songs too, some traditional Mexican songs.
Speaker 2:That's true. They throw in Cielito Lindo. That's what I was going to mention.
Speaker 3:I always thought it was weird that they threw in the Cielito Lindo. But it's like as a consolation to your team, like don't cry yeah, that's what the song's about don't cry. I'm sorry that one too, yeah, pretty much yeah don't cry, it's gonna be okay yeah, it's like shit this shit tucking in a beautiful song?
Speaker 2:yeah, but only if the team earned it, like you saw the team like really go at it yeah oh, they earned that song. They earned that song, yeah, yeah, yeah, it doesn't come out Like whenever they lost against Holland like the guy dove on purpose and like they saw how hard Mexico tried against Holland and they got. That melody sang to them.
Speaker 3:But then then there's the crazy fan bases like freaking Colombia.
Speaker 1:Right, oh, shout out, you've been on social media.
Speaker 3:You saw Miami at the how Rock Stadium. You saw how the Colombians like rushed the gates.
Speaker 2:What happened, bro, they?
Speaker 3:just rushed the gates, they just rushed the stadium. Security of the stadium was like fuck it, I'm not gonna get paid enough people like climbed through the what do you call it?
Speaker 2:the vents man.
Speaker 3:I saw that POV when they were climbing through the vents and I was wondering what was on the other side of that vent. What do you call it? The vents man? I saw that BOB. I saw the BOB when they were climbing through a vent and I was wondering what was on the other side of that vent Dude. At some point they were like okay, there's nowhere else to go and they can't. I bet there's a guy stuck there right now. There's a whole line.
Speaker 2:I was like locker room, that would be awesome right in the celebration and it's from the korean girl.
Speaker 1:Like bringing it back I love it again, that's part of the anime, bro, let it be part of it.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man like it was crazy, but like that stadium was just not built for like, first of all, I never even heard of miami gardens, like maybe is that what the dolphins play, I don't know, that's where not the dolphins like, like the fury games like this. That's where the second division plays. Oh, but the car? Is that what the Dolphins play? I don't know, not the Dolphins, the Fury Games.
Speaker 3:That's where the second division plays.
Speaker 1:But the.
Speaker 3:Carrick Stadium is a big stadium, but it's not where the Dolphins play.
Speaker 2:Oh, but at least go to that one bro.
Speaker 3:But I mean that one is meant to handle big crowds. But I don't think they expected the final to be that big. And the thing is, a lot of people are saying Comic Bowl's cheaped out.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they did, because it's a corrupt organization, just like FIFA, just like any other organization. I'll just take it back. Nah, actually, keep it. I'll take it back. If you sponsor me Comic Bowl, hey, I'll go back and edit it. Well, I'm not.
Speaker 3:Comic Bowl, bro, we're in the States. We're all about conker calf.
Speaker 1:Fuck you, fuck you come on, boy, I love it, I love it double down keep that going.
Speaker 3:Anyway, we love you. Uh, we're really excited for the gold cup.
Speaker 1:Yeah but uh, so you had a great time at the game. Man man overall right.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man, Like you know, the one of the best things is like seeing abilities that I know, like Nagi, and then could never do yeah. Highest level bro. Oh, who knows, maybe Cause like the anime, like in Europe, the Euro cup, there was a 16 year playing for the national team.
Speaker 3:Nah, he was a Barcelona starter. Yeah, bro, he was already playing for Barcelona. He's already, he's already in the big league, bro he was physically baptized by Messi, like it was his UNICEF.
Speaker 2:What UNICEF is to sponsor Barcelona? So this picture is like when these soccer players Will like Sp, like sponsored these people coming through like you know UNICEF, you know UNICEF is the one like. So Messi was bathing this actual kid who plays. Get the fuck out of here, bro. Swear, swear.
Speaker 2:I didn't know that story yeah, that really happened, yeah, yeah. So he's literally been baptized by Messi. So they're like, oh, it's just one French defense, he's all, he's 16. He don't know better. Once I pressure him, bro, he dunked, he scored on his face. This really happened, yeah. So then when I see stuff like this, it's like, okay, maybe Nagi and then Isagi is not crazy Cause they're teenagers, right?
Speaker 3:But it's just from this low level. We're talking about blue lock.
Speaker 2:Yeah, this is going to switch. This is going to be a beautiful Tokyo Drift. It's possible to see people at that young age like Nagi Isaki. I'm going to focus on Nagi, because that's what the Air Force is about to have that high-level capability, specifically somebody who never picked up the sport right.
Speaker 3:It's God-given. Yeah, because that's the story. I mean sometimes there are some people out there that do really get that talent. Yeah, yeah, I mean sometimes there's some people out there that do really get that talent, yeah, and all of a sudden, they touch the soccer ball and they're at it. The football, you know. Yeah, it's a gift to them. They got the joke.
Speaker 2:I'm sure it was like that, bro you know, yeah, and you know, seeing the movie and, of course, hard work.
Speaker 3:Hard work makes it better, oh man, you know. They're like and the talents and hard work the diamonds, good morning, my diamonds in the rough, my diamonds in the rough.
Speaker 2:You know what the movie? This is a great movie. I think it's a great movie episode because I went from hating it to enjoying it all the way, because it was exactly about that Nagi's God-given talents were like. At the movie present, it's like, hey, it's a trick. The movie presents itself as like there's no collateral, there's nothing, what do you call it? There's no conflict for Nagi. That's not what I thought it was presenting. So until you get to the, you get like my diamonds. Everybody's there.
Speaker 3:You see his side, you basically see his side of the story, because in the anime, in the series run, you see Nagi as this like talented dude that's got no problems with the ball. But in the movie you see his side of the story and I guess he didn't really struggle, but there were things that he was dealing with. Yeah, he really wanted to quit the whole time.
Speaker 2:And then, when the struggling came, I started loving him even more.
Speaker 1:I loved when he got the fire lit up in him, bro, and he's like why did I do that?
Speaker 3:Yes, because we see his awakening in the game versus izagi. Yeah, you almost see izagi's team as the bad guys against him, yes, uh, but then he awakens and he does badass moves. There's one where he bounces it off the back of his uh, back, oh yeah, yeah he's like I can't believe that even works.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's crazy and that's true, that stuff like that really does happen. It's like you have an idea, like what your touch is, but and you get an idea of, of positioning, like where, the, where there's a gap. As long as you know those two together, you can start freestyling accordingly. But again, like, like, like you just mentioned earlier, ronaldo well, he has such a master of the ball is, like they said, the ball love ronaldo, so that's why I always follow them. Like he will kick it anywhere he wanted. And like it landed where he was somehow going. So that pass with the back, like it made sense. Like his like, oh man, it's hard to explain that even the body's like it worked. Like I'm a genius, it's hard to explain because it happens, it happens well.
Speaker 1:I also like the different perspective that it painted for the two between izaki and and nagi, because izaki was all hard work, bro. He was struggling, he's I'm sorry. Izaki was uh, he's a key. He's a key was uh. Sorry. No, you're good. Um, thank you for the correction he was very adamant about his hard work for all your trolls online.
Speaker 1:He was a really adamant about his work ethic and and trying to learn from everybody else to get better, trying to study everybody else's work habits. Where nagi just went in bro and like, just did work, did what he was told, yeah, never had to do any part of it, and that's when they even mentioned it. Six months in bro, this is where he was at and these people have been training for years to get to this level, so it was really cool. And then how about whenever he broke off from rail and he went to go, uh, join up with izaki, and he was like that was his, that was his decision the whole time. It was never something like a spur of the moment, a split decision.
Speaker 3:This was his own determination of like I need to get better and I can't do it with this guy yeah, I do it like that because in the series you're gonna see him like pick izuki and you're like, oh, he just wants you know, he wants to see what it's like playing with him. But in the movie you're like I want to take play with that guy because I want to get better. Cece, from that angle is like I'm not going to get left behind, I'm going to get better.
Speaker 1:Rao's hurt was 10 times worse now this time around in the movie, when you see the whole background, the whole story.
Speaker 2:I felt so bad for him dog and not only that in the series I felt bad for Nagi, because Nagi thought that he was going to be like I'm proud of you, I'm going to meet you, yes, even mad, and Nagi didn't express it, but he was so disappointed I was like damn, I can't believe you.
Speaker 3:I'm sad that you're mad. Rayo says it. Rayo says it from his perspective is like I should have just told him I'll catch up to you. Why didn't I tell him I'll just catch up? To you yeah but instead he got mad about it, yeah, and he's serious, you don't see that.
Speaker 1:And he's like reo's just a little bitch but in the movie you were like they were the last two to go to the gate, though remember no, but that's the thing.
Speaker 2:It's like. Each character shows you like like isa, like, for example, isagi. It shows you, for example, isagi. It shows you that, hey, at the very beginning of season one he was crying because he lost that game. If you would have won, he'd be like I don't need that blue light shit you know.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's right, it's what gave him that motivation.
Speaker 2:And then Rayo, he's always got everything he wanted. It shows you he's a rich kid. He even convinced the kid that doesn't want to play soccer play soccer. He gets what he wanted. So the first thing he did get what he want. It was a position, the growth and like and that's, and it showed and he didn't realize he grew until he realized. But he was like I should have said that it was his fight. It may seem subtle, but that was his egoista moment per se.
Speaker 3:It was, it was, and I think that even gives him more motivation.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Because, man, he was going to break after he got defeated in the other game against him.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was.
Speaker 3:But, then, somehow he made it through. He made it through to the next election. Yeah, for me.
Speaker 1:I thought it was really cool man, because even Ego, he puts up his glasses. He's just like you guys are gonna cut it out in here and he's just like. He's like you're not gonna make it. He's like fine, if I can't make it, he'll make it. I'll make sure he's the best. At the beginning, we never saw that. I like that. I like that in the very beginning and they were the last ones to run through because, uh, nagi was, I'm out of here. Yeah, my phone.
Speaker 3:If I don't make it, he's gonna make it I was like that's when I was like, and it's cool to see that perspective of Nagy because he remembers he's like. He's like he's that guy that ran for the gate first. No hesitation first, that's what I said, yeah because he doesn't even know who that fucking guy is. But he's like, he's the one that fucking no hesitation, he would have taken the shot.
Speaker 2:Yeah, like the balls there that he just needs that one foot, yeah, so that's what he said he did in that scene.
Speaker 3:Whenever he explains blue lock, he's the first one to run through that gate and he's like you remember. So that is that guy that was the first one to run through it's kind of cool to see that perspective it was. It was really really cool. He's my rival, yeah, but again the opposites.
Speaker 1:The first one to win in, the last one to go out. All hard work, no fucking work. Like just the two opposite sides of the coins and how they ended up just becoming dope ass teammates in the end.
Speaker 1:So I think it's sick yeah even that very end, bro, the, the last like, remember in the anime, whenever it's like three seconds left and not, and now he's like, bro, there's still time we can make it, and rail's like, and all of us are kind of like bro, he's kind of wild. But in that moment in the movie now you understood, because he was on fire his whole narration.
Speaker 3:He's like I can't let him, I'm not going to let him win. Yes, and again. There was a really cool scene that I really like in the series. Whenever the teammates their background characters from Maggie and Rayo's team, they're like all right, we just have to kind of hold the ball and we'll hold this tie and we advance anyways, Right, yeah, Well, all we got to do is not let him win and the big three of the team they're like man fuck that.
Speaker 3:A tie is a loss yeah, but from their perspective it was like that much more badass because, uh, are they working? Yeah, they have beaten every team up to that point and they're gonna lose the lowest level team.
Speaker 2:They're gonna tie to that team and like you know what's great about the blue lock? Because then at least, like turns out, the big heads don't really believe in this project. So like we're going to compete against the underscore 20. Under 20 is you're pretty much professionals playing Like they pick them out, like they're playing at the highest level in soccer, the U-20 teams, I mean they go to World Cups and stuff.
Speaker 3:They go to World Cups yeah.
Speaker 2:They train with the best point, and here's what gets to me, it's like I like the reality because, like I want to see what, like characters like Nagi Isagi, all of them play Play against ballers whose bread's on the table, like they come from these countries where, like if I don't advance, they end up going down in the class, which means less money and there's a whole thing, yeah, there's a whole thing to it.
Speaker 3:He bears my country, but yeah, in japan.
Speaker 2:I mean, if you don't make the u20, then yeah, that's what I say, because eventually, like, uh, I'm sure, because, like you see, you see, like the Among Us people, they get like I think they're going to get hired by professional clubs, like they each go through their own, like their own route in life, like, but, you know, stay within Blue Lock. So I also want to see, like, more characters and how, like, how real these characters get when they play like.
Speaker 2:Like U-20 is going to be insane. I look forward to that move when it comes out.
Speaker 3:And and I know I believe I haven't read ahead, but I believe there's going to be an arc to pick the last, like I don't know 25 to go up against the U-20. And then it's going to go up to the U-20 match. I'm not sure I haven't read ahead.
Speaker 2:Oh, maybe it's like the lineup start, Like who's going to start and who's substitute no-transcript.
Speaker 3:Isaki's got that jersey on. Rin, of course Chigiri and then some of the other unknown characters we don't know. But Ryo is in his sub attire. Oh, his like second backup. Yeah, I think he's going to be in the bench, but Ryo's there. Ryo's there at the stadium, and he has a quick moment with Nagi and they kind of I don't remember exactly what- they say but it's like.
Speaker 3:And then he stands there and then another character comes up to Ryo and is like we can't stop Ryo, we'll catch up. And Ryo smiles. It was a good scene You've got to review If you still haven't watched the blue laggy naggy movies. Save for the after credits, there's two after credits scenes one where they're walking into the stadium and then another one specifically about Ray was staying behind in the tunnel.
Speaker 2:Oh, really, I just I do look forward to like how the animators will work on the U20. I hope it's, like you know, kind of like the first few episodes of the first season, remember, like all the way up to when Izaki took his shot that day in the first dub. Oh, yes, yes, yes. And then the animation changed.
Speaker 3:I hope they upped the game yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Because I mean now they see that it's really popular, so hopefully it gets a bigger budget. Absolutely yeah, because I mean, they throw a lot of the art from the manga and the artists that draw the animation for the for the anime, I mean some of the panels are like really good looking, yeah, it translates phenomenally, but it's really hard to like. I don't know, do characters running in? The soccer field. Yeah, I mean I hope I hope the budget for the second season is bigger but I think it should.
Speaker 1:Man, like I said, the graphics.
Speaker 2:What demon slayer is doing with the budgets, bro, come on yeah, man, yeah, yeah, for the boys just like top, top tier, start hoping like they, like the studio that's working on blue lock, um, also take their time and give them like that, that swift quality, because blue lock deserves it. Like I don't know, you guys like the soccer thing it's cool real life, but you know, I hope they they can translate that appropriately.
Speaker 3:Anime, because it's also fun watching anime I mean, it's fun watching anime and then, you know, adding the flair of the um. Every, every uh player has their own ego, of their own color, which stands for something it's real, it's dope, it's every every color, you know, stands for a different emotion or a different background motivation uh, but I'm also excited to see where rails and nagi's storyline goes, because I mean by that tease at the end you know that rail is going to get his redemption arc.
Speaker 1:Dang. Eventually he's going to come back somehow. Bro, that's going to be sick and he doesn't get eliminated.
Speaker 3:I mean he's still in blue lock by the U-20. Yeah, I'm excited to see when the series goes man, it's going to be peak.
Speaker 2:I wonder, like how far they'll make it all the way to the Japan I want to fill in all the way up to Japan actually competing in the World Cup. And that's a bit strategic how they've been releasing it, because it came out during the World Cup Season 1.
Speaker 1:They did do that really well.
Speaker 2:Isagi came out at the beginning of the Euros and the beginning of the Euros and the beginning of the Copa Americas.
Speaker 1:I didn't even think about that.
Speaker 2:So what's the next major tournament in the World Cup? Two more years, two more years?
Speaker 3:No, yeah, what's the next Six?
Speaker 1:right.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 1:Is the season two already officially coming out on October right?
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 1:October? Yeah, so I mean, where are we getting season two Champions?
Speaker 3:League. Champions League is a about that. In October, everybody watches the Champions.
Speaker 2:League. Yeah for sure. So I imagine Isagi goes up to the World Cup, plays for Japan. He plays against the best in the world.
Speaker 1:He's got to play everybody. Even then, the grand tour, the world tour of that, is going to be a sick-ass World life.
Speaker 2:But I think in the manga I'm pretty sure it'll end with Isagi lifting the World Cup.
Speaker 1:That'll be epic.
Speaker 3:That'll be one hell of an ending, yeah, bluelock is real.
Speaker 1:Hajime Inuipo. Right, that's what makes me think of that, Like that level and that tier of storytelling.
Speaker 3:Oh, but that one's still going, that's what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:That's why I want Blue Lock to be bro.
Speaker 2:I want it to be like that yeah, to be long, extensive.
Speaker 1:Extensive, with amazing stories, great character development.
Speaker 3:I want guys that it would be cool, yeah, if he goes pro, but then he gets a taste of real defeat against European players.
Speaker 2:Like yeah, he did. Did they play against like-.
Speaker 1:I guess the Wall of Five.
Speaker 3:Yeah, yeah, rocky III, absolutely Going back to basics, playing in the streets.
Speaker 1:You know what I'm saying In the dirt roads, yes, bro, look it's.
Speaker 2:Japan and Canada. Remember we saw in the World Cup they defeated Germany and Spain.
Speaker 3:The blue look is real. The blue look is real. The blue look is real.
Speaker 2:Remember the ball did not go entirely over the line, like one-eighth section of the ball was still over the line enough where it was reasonable for him to curve the ball and score on Spain.
Speaker 3:Remember that, remember that, look that up.
Speaker 1:Look that up.
Speaker 2:Blue lock is real.
Speaker 3:Blue lock is real. The manga is still going, so I know for a fact. The manga is still going, so the story is not over, it ain't over yet, baby.
Speaker 1:And guess what? Soccer is still going to keep growing and as the fan base keeps getting bigger, it's only going to get better In 50 years.
Speaker 2:I think in 50 years it will be the biggest sport in the US In 50 years In 100 years they're trying to make it bigger and bigger.
Speaker 3:They're trying to make it bigger and bigger.
Speaker 2:I don't know if it's ever going toboys. What's in the Cowboys?
Speaker 1:Oh, no idea, but I know who you're talking about the owner of the Cowboys, homeboy Cuban.
Speaker 2:No, the Dallas Cowboys. No, no, no Something.
Speaker 1:West. You're thinking of the Dallas Mavericks, but he's talking about the.
Speaker 2:Homeboy, you know the largest stadium in.
Speaker 3:Dallas.
Speaker 2:Football season Dallas Cowboys, but when the offseason he should have a soccer team.
Speaker 3:Oh that would be sick.
Speaker 2:Yeah.
Speaker 3:Well, Dallas does have a soccer team, so maybe he could buy that.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, the same division, the Dallas Cowboys, but now it's football instead of football during the offseason. Because, yeah, I know what you're talking about and Texas can do the same thing Texans during football season, and then the Texans we had two. You can have two in the same city, so there's no worries.
Speaker 3:Dallas has their own team too. I forgot what they're called nobody relevant.
Speaker 1:How about exactly?
Speaker 3:I don't know what's the MLN FC, dallas FC.
Speaker 1:Dallas.
Speaker 2:I saw it you googled that.
Speaker 1:Don't lie to me, bro.
Speaker 3:Suki could get in the notes you know it's funny, because that was really oh, we only tried to.
Speaker 2:I don't know what Dynamo is because of the explosive NASA.
Speaker 3:It came from another city. I have no idea what Dynamo is. But I know the name came from another city. Well, another thing I wanted to mention is that take explosion. Sorry, I thought Karasuma. Next week, guys, we'll do a Karasuba on that.
Speaker 1:Next week, guys, we'll do a Karasuba review.
Speaker 3:We had a lot of fun, but also one of our hottest takes is that a sports enemy, blue Lock is the best sports enemy. Please be wrong in the comments. Which one's your take?
Speaker 2:Like ever Chill.
Speaker 3:Like ever, I think. So that's my hot take. I think Blue Lock is a better sports enemy.
Speaker 1:I think so that's my hot take. I think blue look is a better sports center, and tell me why I think it does. I want an argument as to why it's better.
Speaker 2:It reminds me of those Okay.
Speaker 3:So you think Hatchimals no, ippo gets the best sports center no.
Speaker 2:You're just like every soccer player. I love it.
Speaker 3:Because, like soccer players is like, yeah, ronaldo's great, but the 16 year old you know, like everything that ronaldo accomplished is like you forgot about it, but it happens. I mean, I think the best uh soccer player in the world is uh, I'm not ready to give that hot take. Who is it? Who is it man right now, period, he says ever. Who's the best soccer player ever drop it in the comments. Ladies and gentlemen, a hot tank. Who is it Right now?
Speaker 1:Ever. Who's the best soccer player ever? Drop it in the comments. Tell us on next week's episode, who would you give it to?
Speaker 2:Ronaldinho.
Speaker 3:Eh cheap out Ronaldo. Eh cheap out From the late 90s and early aughts.
Speaker 2:The guy that had the weird haircut and the gap I know him out From the late 90s and early aughts.
Speaker 3:Oh man, the guy that had the weird haircut on the gap you know Ronaldo, right, I know him bro. Why did?
Speaker 1:he have that haircut man I cannot remember. He looked cool on it too, bro. He said it made him look aerodynamic.
Speaker 2:bro, it was intimidating actually, for some reason.
Speaker 1:What the fuck.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it was intimidating. I I don't know how it was intimidating, but it was intimidating.
Speaker 3:He was a great I mean. I mean we're not going to talk about the girls like Pele Maradona? Maradona, oh you know what Mexico's El Matador number 15, luis Hernandez Bro I follow his TikTok.
Speaker 2:He's hilarious. He wears a wig just to like he doesn't get in the short now. I love that guy.
Speaker 3:Yes, that was my favorite player growing up. That's why, no matter what team I joined, 15 was on my back. Because I joined the American football team in in in high school. My number was 15 too for Nori.
Speaker 2:No, no, I love him, I love that guy.
Speaker 3:I mean in American football is like the numbers are based on positions.
Speaker 2:I think it's fair enough.
Speaker 1:But in soccer too, like the numbers are based on position, like number 10 is the forward.
Speaker 3:Yeah, you're 11, 9 yeah, but I was 15, even though I'm a defensive back uh, or defense.
Speaker 2:Uh, I was number 15 always. Yeah, man the matador, he's a cool guy. I mean I love that he had the long hair in the 90s with the cool shirt with the Aztec map.
Speaker 3:I still got that one. I got that shirt in kid size.
Speaker 2:Man, that was the greatest. That's the greatest jersey ever man to me in Mexico.
Speaker 3:That jersey with the Aztec calendar, that's still the greatest jersey, sick 1998. World.
Speaker 2:Cup yeah man In France, in France, that's pretty cool man.
Speaker 3:Honestly, chicharito was one of the greats bro. He could have done so much more. He's still a gamer now on TikTok.
Speaker 2:He's 360. No scope you baby 360, no scope.
Speaker 3:He doesn't have time to train.
Speaker 2:He's over.
Speaker 3:He went the T-Pain route, making more money on Twitch.
Speaker 2:He's not wrong, though, bro, he's T.
Speaker 1:Why would I train like an animal when I can just stream bro, Be the animal you know.
Speaker 2:Ah, cheap out, ow, Cheap out ew.
Speaker 1:Play that and get just paid 50 grand. Yeah, Blue Look.
Speaker 3:Blue. Look my pick for best sports enemy. Fight me. What's your pick? What's your pick man? I'm going to put you on the limelight, on the spot.
Speaker 2:I'm going to let it develop. I and, if anything, the manga. I'm going to probably read the manga.
Speaker 3:The manga is really good, man. I read up to like I read all of season one in the manga and it's good. Not only that in the manga, it's not luck off, it's fuck off. Can't wait to read some more about it, which the director doesn't know, but I'll keep that to myself. Oh, yeah, that was a funny interaction.
Speaker 1:Dun dun dun All right boys, you guys ready to call on this one? Yeah, lock off. The blue lock is real. The blue lock is real. What did?
Speaker 2:you think about how did the hurricane event went for you, Sugi?
Speaker 1:Oh, ladies and gentlemen, this has been the WBM podcast. Thank you so much for tuning in, guys. This is one of your hosts, your boy Merc.
Speaker 2:Make sure you guys are following us on Instagram, twitter, tiktok, youtube all that jazz, and you guys can come and follow and subscribe, and you should really be following us on Spotify, Stitcher, Amazon Music, Apple Music and all that jazz.
Speaker 3:And it is your boy, oski, in the mix, as always. Check out the website WBMPodcastcom. You'll see a full library of episodes and in the description for this episode and all of our episodes you'll see two links. One link is to support the show. If you like what we do, support us, then we'll keep doing it. Another link is to send us text messages. Send us a text message.
Speaker 1:We'll give you a shout out that guys again, this is at WBM underscore podcast and we'll catch you guys in the next one. Peace.