WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
The Three Best Bros anybody could have (feat. Oski, xFer, and Merc) sit down and go into all sorts of topics while also diverging into wild content. Anime! Pop culture, video games, movies, books, science fiction and actual science. Nothing is safe from the Witty Banter Media treatment. Every episode tends to take an unexpected left turn, so listener discretion advised. However, follow along and you will see they always bring it back full circle. Do not take the WBM Podcast team too seriously because they will never be above a witty joke!
WBM Podcast aka Witty Banter Media
Demon Slayer Finale: Hashira Assemble
The boys jump straight into it with the epic finale of Demon Slayer *SPOILERS*!!! The season started out slow but ended on one hell of a cliff hanger! The boys review the episode and talk about their favorite moments. From Muzan's sick entrance to Zenitsu locking in! The boys cover it all on this week's episode of Witty Banter Media!!! #DemonSlayer #KimetsuNoYaiba #Muzan
good, this is your boy.
Speaker 2:X-fair and this is your boy, merc, and this is your boy Oski, and the mix and the mix tell em, merc guys.
Speaker 3:So we have one hell of an episode lined up for you guys breathe baby. Uh, we're talking first form second form.
Speaker 1:Third form, like the three movies that are gonna come out apparently we're talking the hashira assemble.
Speaker 2:That's right, guys.
Speaker 3:We're talking all things demon slayers anyway, uh, season just wrapped. It's been all the hype that's out there on social media right now, so we're gonna go over our season recap for you guys. I'm so excited y'all, yeah, let's talk about this finale hd movie.
Speaker 2:Quality was go over our season recap with you guys. I'm so excited y'all. Yeah, let's talk about this finale.
Speaker 1:HD movie quality was awesome.
Speaker 3:It's going to be fantastic.
Speaker 1:You guys ready A little Demon, special Demon player. Whatever, let's go.
Speaker 2:All right, all right, all right, we're back for another week.
Speaker 1:What's up y'all?
Speaker 2:I almost lost my camera angle because we got multiple angles. That's right. Where's my main camera? My main camera is up here, that's right I was looking up to the left but I was like that's not streaming this one's streaming this guy All right guys.
Speaker 3:So what are we talking this week?
Speaker 1:Happy 4th of July. Everybody that is listening to we post post 4th of July.
Speaker 2:We're recording on July 40th. I was born in the USA shout out to that one character in Demons that uses American breeding homie with the shotguns with the shotgun, with the two pump.
Speaker 1:With the shotgun. You right Verse four With the two-pump shotgun. Hell yeah, bro, Soft Clack, clack. I actually like him as a character. He's an awesome character, bro.
Speaker 2:He actually has some good development man. This season we got to see like a softer side of him.
Speaker 3:He wasn't as angry the whole time Tanjiro got to his soft side. Yeah, I mean they had their whole bonding moment from last season.
Speaker 2:So we got to see a little bit of that, but we're not going to talk about the whole season. Let's talk about this finale, bro, let's talk about this final episode. It was an extended episode, 40 minutes I think. It was all fuego, it was great man, Absolutely the last two episodes. Yeah, because I didn't know this because it went by so quick, but that second to last episode was also an extended episode. It was also 30 minutes.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that was pretty cool, which I didn't even notice until we actually saw it at that moment. Yeah, man, but 30 minutes, 40 minutes, final episodes Again. I mean eight episodes. They gave us a movie episode in the very first one movie episode in the final one. I mean it was great. Not disappointed in any way. Shit performed at all. The high shore training arc was okay, but the, the, the grand finale is what made it all worth it you know, because that's what I was thinking is like, well, this season is kind of weak.
Speaker 2:I mean, yeah, it's a training arm. We get to see a little bit of each hashida, you get to connect with every hashida, and I thought that's what they wanted you, they want you to care about every hashida on like on a personal level, right, and I was like there's a whole big setup for the final season. Uh, but this final episode, I didn't expect all this, you know, action to go, because I didn't have any spoilers, so I I didn't know what to expect.
Speaker 2:Yeah, same, I'd have been avoiding not only that we, right away we got the news that there's not gonna be a final season. It's gonna be a final trilogy of movies.
Speaker 3:Trilogy of movies is crazy, bro, crazy like I don't know what's. Another movie or an anime that's gotten a trilogy series final finale, like AOT, aot.
Speaker 2:Oh, aot, right? Yeah, I guess AOT the last few episodes.
Speaker 3:They did it as specials yeah but I don't think that was the intended. Like this one they launched out the gate with an intention of, like, we're doing three movies for the finale.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, releases.
Speaker 3:I don't think aot had like no, they could. If they would have done it, I would have been, oh, absolutely. But uh, yeah, the fact that they even did something like that in bits and pieces with movie level quality stuff for aot is dope, but the the fact that they're getting their own movie budget for real, the theatrical releases, is gonna be crazy bro it's gonna be wild the next three years, four years, five years that we got this coming out.
Speaker 1:It's gonna be lit yeah and it comes out enough where, like you, like, I forget about Demon Slayer, because there's such enough gap when this stuff comes out that you appreciate it when it's out, because you're affordable. Man, they put their time in there. They put their foot in it.
Speaker 3:Yeah Bro, the graphics, you're affordable.
Speaker 2:Man Bro the graphics Let them cook. Let them cook.
Speaker 1:Like there was some scenes that I was like whoa, look at that shot. And like Merc was like bro, is that real life? And I was like bro, you know.
Speaker 3:The fogs, the fire, the explosions, the smoke, the scenery. It looked insane, absolutely incredible. I could not believe it. I was like this is still anime, right, we're still. I'm like this is Unreal Engine 5. I'm watching Kingdom hearts five, bro, like yeah, you know this is what it is right good point.
Speaker 2:Good point on that you need to hire them from the next kingdom. Hearts, bro.
Speaker 3:It was at least for the cinematics they did what disney disney's been afraid to do. Yeah man.
Speaker 1:Yeah bro, there's a good way of bringing it up, bro, absolutely but uh, it was great man.
Speaker 3:I really I did not expect it to cook so hard dog.
Speaker 2:That's one thing about. We're gonna like really talk about the episode. The animation, animation was just on another level. Yeah, man.
Speaker 1:From the get go bro, Like it tells you as soon as the episode begins, like when Muzo comes in, all like thriller the way this guy walks in.
Speaker 2:I don't think anybody has a better walk out in any, in any anime, in any WWE event. I'm trying to think Better than the Undertaker walking out of WWE Facts.
Speaker 3:Who did it best, him or Sukuna bro in the entrance? I don't know.
Speaker 2:Oh, you know.
Speaker 3:Or the monster that Megan.
Speaker 1:McSummoned.
Speaker 3:Do you remember that Megan McSummoned that monster? That was a sick-ass villain.
Speaker 2:Anyway, I just sidetracked JJK, JJK bro, but I like it that you know you don't think about it. But okay, in the second to last episode we have four minutes of this guy walking in, and in the last episode we got another four minutes Same sequence, different angles, the angles though the angles hit bro. That's a total of eight minutes of Musan just walking.
Speaker 3:Oh, really, or it was crazy.
Speaker 1:I'm excited you're in it. I'm excited you're in it. I'm excited you're in it. It's probably like six minutes. I wouldn't believe it because I was like, but it was perfect because, like you said, so many angles, because they started at the feet, like they want to make sure that. Hey, bro, we want you to appreciate it. It's like, not necessarily the feet, but look at the ground, look how we literally hand drew every pebble with our assholes.
Speaker 2:And I think that that interest is supposed to be like. This is this is the big bad, this is the final ball, exactly, exactly.
Speaker 1:I'm trying to get like they wanted to like. Hey, and what do you call it?
Speaker 2:appreciate everything, because it's the big bad right here, baby and then you see that aura around him, the aura I was like man, this guy reeks of pussy. I'm telling you man, if that was his hockey bro.
Speaker 3:It's all over him. You know what I'm saying.
Speaker 1:But uh, it was great Like seeing that you can smell it for miles, For miles bro.
Speaker 3:That's why they call him the king. Anyway, I'll stop. That's why he came out like Thriller, bro.
Speaker 1:I was waiting for the floor to light up If the floor would have lit up.
Speaker 3:Smooth. I would have you know I'm invested dog and they hit that scene where we had the hat on for no reason in the reflection of the water, when he was waking up which was a callback to the season one. I thought that was so dope man, I was like I don't know who told me.
Speaker 2:I think it was Sogikin.
Speaker 3:X-Fur. I forget his name for a second. What the fuck is your name.
Speaker 2:Call me Shaka Khan. I think X-Factor was the one that told me that he's a creator. He was a really model after Michael Jackson.
Speaker 1:That's what I heard. Yeah, that he's based really off the thriller. He was like oh, he looks so cool and I'm like dang, I appreciate Michael Jackson more.
Speaker 3:That's how much of an influence he was around the world.
Speaker 1:I love Muzan, bro. Muzan's a great villain in my humble opinion, specifically because he doesn't have a grand goal. He's not like Sidious. Sidious is his own kind of villain. He's not like oh, I have a sad past so I'm going to do shit. His background has already been explored, where he's like he was sick one day. He didn't like the treatment, he killed the doctor, he killed his holy solution. He's like fuck.
Speaker 2:I'm a demon now. That's right. That was the actual cure and he did it because he was a dick.
Speaker 1:He literally just killed the guy just for no reason, and you show him, like, how much of an asshole he is, like the contrast between homeboy and ubu yoshiki. It's so night and day. It's, you know, yin and yang, is literally throwing in our faces. Like the guy is so properly, so well dressed, he's so pretty, and like the other guy, like, has gonorrhea in his left eye, but he's so nice. Hey, good evening, welcome to my house, nice to meet you. These are my wives, these are my children. He's so nice. Hey, good evening, welcome to my house, nice to meet you. These are my wives, these are my children. He's like oh, oh, brother, oh, what is that?
Speaker 2:Look at you Every few lines he threw. Jax is like man, you're looking ugly as fuck. Yeah, thanks bro yeah.
Speaker 1:And he's so demeaning what was that one line, what you got mean he's like what was that one? Like what you gotta say bro, what you gotta say.
Speaker 2:You already smell like a corpse. Oh, your body's starting to read like a corpse, and that was it.
Speaker 3:Like somebody like in his peak, in his prime, and somebody on the verge of death.
Speaker 1:Like you said, that the way they painted the opposite such an asshole and that's why I like, because he's like he's an asshole, he accepts he's an asshole and he has no real clear goals. Like no, bro, like he says it, I've done whatever the fuck I want and look, and if it was real, neither God or Buddha stopped me. So as far as I know, I'm the ultimate.
Speaker 2:You know All they can stop me is the sun.
Speaker 1:So Okay, what you gotta say bro.
Speaker 2:What you gotta say, spoilers, we're gonna throw out oh absolutely Full spoilers.
Speaker 3:Yeah, spoilers everywhere for this shit.
Speaker 1:Which I love so Muzan.
Speaker 2:That's how the episode starts.
Speaker 1:Top five anime characters because he's unique, that I'm just an asshole. I'm going to fucking accept it. Maybe Akira from Death Note?
Speaker 3:Yeah, close to him, you know, ooh that's a good one, but the other guy had a goal.
Speaker 1:This guy has just like look, I'm going to be immortal, bro, and do whatever the fuck I want to do.
Speaker 2:And I love that for him Good villain.
Speaker 3:If anything.
Speaker 1:his only goal right now is the fuck I want to do. Yeah, I love that for him Like good villain, good villain, good villain.
Speaker 2:If anything, his only goal right now is to get Nessico so he could like go out in daylight.
Speaker 3:You know another great villain who had the exact same goal Frieza Frieza, originally, whenever I remember, on Planet Namek. He just wanted to be immortal. That was his whole wish. Oh, that was his wish, and then nobody gave a fuck about immortality anymore. Yes, you're right yeah, but like that was that one simple goal. What a great. I want to do whatever I want to do, just like I'm doing now, I just want to be able to do it forever. Yes, like that's it.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I don't give a fuck and yeah, and if I would have been, if I'm wrong, god or buddha would have stopped me.
Speaker 3:Like he said. I guess I've never had divine punishment. Yeah, that was such a mean bar boy's boy, his line, that he dropped though Ubuyashiki.
Speaker 2:Ubuyashiki, because I mean the whole conversation was so engaging. Man, dog, that shit had me invested.
Speaker 3:But the line that he dropped of like if I die, I'm a simple man, he's like nothing's going to happen if I die, he's like, but if you die, all the demons are gone, right, and.
Speaker 1:I was like ooh.
Speaker 3:I was waiting for that moment because in that scene I was like it's such a tense scene, he's going to say something that pisses off Muzan. What is he going to say? That's going to strike the nerve. And I was waiting for that line. And when he dropped it and he's like, and the wind hit, he's like, ooh, something just changed in the air.
Speaker 2:Is that right? I guess I was. He kind of played it, kind of toxic. He was like okay, what buttons am I gonna push? That was it, because before that, before that, he's like muslim. What do you dream off? Right, yes, what. What do you dream of?
Speaker 3:you gotta have a thousand years.
Speaker 2:Yeah, dreamed and then he tells him he's like I know this, I could. I know what's in your mind. I'm like bro he's like, you're looking for him entirely. You're looking to be eternal, but you're never gonna have it yeah, human will will last for eternity, though I was like ooh, that's the thing about Ubaishiki Like.
Speaker 1:Here's the thing. I feel like he's just. He's a villain to me as well, in my opinion, because there's nothing more than just like any other. It's a battle of high-level clans, because these two people are from high wealthy families, both Ubaishiki and Muzan right. So they like both manipulate to a certain level the lower class to do their fighting, bidding because something that they both can't do. One does it violently. The demon Muzan. You know, I'm God, I had the final answer. No, he was like, dressed like a female. He was like I'm not wrong, you're wrong, right, yeah. Then the other guy manipulates him emotionally. He's like it's okay, you didn't do that, I know, I know it doesn't sound like. If you really look through it, it's like. At the end of the day, it's like it's a bourgeois battle, it's between two rich people, because I didn't think like if you really want to say two people are two generals uh, no, but that's the thing.
Speaker 1:Like well, these aren't soldiers, these are children like, these, are war children like he's, like, hey, your family died, you know, here I'm gonna pay for your education. Go live a good life, I'm sorry about this. No, come join this, this, our, this, just army of children by a few teenagers, you know but the idea is like I'll give you the opportunity of revenge.
Speaker 2:Exactly that's where he sells and that's yes, exactly so there's no difference treatment.
Speaker 3:You know, I'm saying it's no difference.
Speaker 1:In muzan he's like I'll give you what you want you, I'll feed your urge of revenge Right.
Speaker 2:Immortality.
Speaker 1:Exactly so, like there's no difference. Like Uba Yashiki and Muzan, although they are the same set of different coins, they're still a fucking coin. Yeah Right At the end of the day, because at the end of the day, tanji, but whatever. Like it's something that he could have done like a villain saga and been like I'm out of this bitch. But in reality it's like, although you know you got to push the narrative and blah, blah, blah, blah, but if you really look at it, it's nothing more than two rich families duking it out and the lower class is always fucked.
Speaker 2:I'll give you that we got to forward the plot. I'll give you that 1,000 percent.
Speaker 3:Uh muzang gives the demons the ability to take revenge on the people that he feels like they feel like they're wrong in their life. Yeah, he does. Uh, that's the opposite. Yeah, he does the opposite. He's like all right, the demons wronged you. I'm gonna build you up and give you the ability to take revenge on these fucking guys, exactly, and so when you say it like that, it's like and the way they rule, one rules with fear and one rules with love yeah, at the end of the day, you feel like a fast baby.
Speaker 2:It's always a battle that goes with Fast race international dog Instead of the swords cars.
Speaker 1:Yeah, just one guy feels bad and the other guy fucking doesn't care, you know. But, at the end of the day, you still got the Bushiki. The Bushiki might realize the madness behind it. That's why he's trying to cut the head of the snake.
Speaker 3:Yes, yeah.
Speaker 1:Because, like this guy for a thousand years, he knows this shit's crazy. Like he knows, like I'm fucking these bitches that don't talk, they got purple eyes. Maybe it's not him, maybe it's you. Know you're fucking the wrong priest bitch.
Speaker 2:you know Jeez, Look how pale.
Speaker 1:She is, he's pale too. It's right there.
Speaker 2:You know, I'm not a scientist, but if not? But at the end of the day, in the Maze Catcher story we get to see a little bit of who she is as a person.
Speaker 3:And then for the double, I done kids with him, bro, which is crazy, that shit. Okay, the way Muzan tells him he's like, the way he hid that murderous intent, was so impressive I like the imagery.
Speaker 2:It's like I walked into a nest of vipers the way he was hiding all that murder, yeah, waiting to strike. I was like ooh, now from what I hear from the manga the manga actually tells a little more backstory that Amane the wife. She loved him so much that she didn't want to let him die alone, so she was the one that decided to stay. What?
Speaker 1:about the kids? Do they have a say? Not in that time.
Speaker 2:Japan, bro, Bro, I don't know I was trying to make a pretty point and you're like well, kids.
Speaker 1:There's a demon coming, I know of this. All right, so, mahashira, five Days, I demon coming. I know of this. I told my Hashira five days. I need to specifically be out there, sing a song, do a little foreshadowing, but at the end of the day it's a battle about two families juggling the balls, you know. But to go out there specifically and just entertain them before he can walk in and we all go out like a family.
Speaker 2:Yes, Dada.
Speaker 3:Damn.
Speaker 2:That's terrible, terrible.
Speaker 3:That's what happened bro, that's the fuck, that's about it that shit is crazy, you know.
Speaker 1:But I get why he's trying to end it like. I get why he's like, nah, this shit ends with me, fuck this.
Speaker 3:None of this, 2000 years, you know but right before that, though, I'll say the way that they built the tension, with everybody trying to get to the house before the explosion goes off. I can see it, I can get there the explosion.
Speaker 2:I didn't. I can see it, I can get there Explosion.
Speaker 3:I didn't know an explosion was coming at all.
Speaker 2:When that shit hit I was like what the fuck, I was thinking there's going to be some kind of trap, there's some kind of game here. That's what I was thinking, that too right, there's going to be some kind of end game here. There's something to this conversation. He's probably going to slit his throat and the hatchet is going to show up and let's go to fight. Let's go to battle.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:But the explosion? I never saw the explosion coming Matter of fact, when it happened, I was like, oh shit, is this one of Musa's powers? Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, that was the idea, that was the thing that we had talked about.
Speaker 3:I thought the same thing. I was like.
Speaker 2:He did it like that was yeah, I was like, wasn't it? And then it wasn't until someone's burned body that I was like, oh shit yeah him up.
Speaker 3:Oh, and then it was cool because we got a chance to re-watch it for a little bit. We saw the little, uh little ninja things or the not nice but yeah uh, but those little fucking things that were in there, man that ended up in his body.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they go up whenever the fire starts the flames at the base and whenever the explosion really goes off.
Speaker 3:I was like oh, if you didn't see it fucking. It was right there. I was like that was dope, that was cool as fuck man.
Speaker 2:Yeah so and they talk a little bit about uh ubuyashiki's like kind of powers that he has, he's got foresight hockey.
Speaker 3:He's got vision hockey he's gonna see the future bro.
Speaker 2:But uh, mus Muzan mentions it, it's like on top of his voice, or Gyome mentions it On top of his voice, because his voice actually has power. And it's why Muzan is like what is this sense of relief and familiarity that I'm getting? That's the way Ishiki is, like power over him.
Speaker 1:It goes against that power, I'm sure he manipulated.
Speaker 3:just the same thing I was about to say he really did.
Speaker 1:Muzo was falling on the same thing. He caught him into like come here, buddy, come sit down with me.
Speaker 3:It's worse, because his ability to tell the future actually means he really manipulated them. He knew what they wanted to hear.
Speaker 2:And.
Speaker 3:Stonehatch. He always knew exactly what to say when you needed to hear it.
Speaker 2:That's right Throughout the series you see, when Tanjiro first meets him, he's like what is this sense that I'm getting right away where I respect this guy?
Speaker 1:He goes into manipulation. Conqueror's hockey, they bow to his will.
Speaker 2:He's still a soft guy that cares about them, though.
Speaker 1:Oh 100%.
Speaker 3:I'm not saying that he doesn't.
Speaker 2:That's what he says's like these are all my children and the sacrifices of all my children mean, mean more, yes, and he says it is like my, my dear children, my hashira, you know they're gonna be the ones to if you kill me, my death doesn't really matter, but it's gonna be like the motivation.
Speaker 3:What does he say? The motivation to? To make them all try harder, yeah, and I was like that's why, like I need he.
Speaker 1:I guess I'm saying like he thinking, like he was self aware, like he knows the madness Of what's going on, like he knows Like bro, I'm employing children, for Christ's sake.
Speaker 2:And that's the thing, and that's the thing he's like. They're not all children, I think.
Speaker 3:Tengyu is like 16.
Speaker 2:And the Hashida.
Speaker 3:He was old. In other words, the Miss Hashida Was like 8 dog 16 is a no the Hashira are all over 18. Now they are. But when they were recruited, bro, homeboy, the Stone Hashira was like I was 11 when I moved in you know the Stone Hashira was 19.
Speaker 1:No, he became Hashira at 19.
Speaker 2:No, no, no, he was 19. He was 19 when I was-.
Speaker 1:No, he became Hashira at 19.
Speaker 2:No, the Stone Hashira was 19.
Speaker 1:No, he became hashida at 19.
Speaker 2:Well, I don't know if he became hashida right away, but whenever he went into demon slayer he was 19. Whenever he that orphan, orphanage um orphanage. There you go.
Speaker 3:Okay, I'm still gonna say but the misogyny is like 10 when he got recruited, bro, that that's the thing.
Speaker 1:He's self-aware, he knows this is crazy. That's why he's been the only one close enough to ever been to Muzan.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and close enough where it cost him his vision. He's like, fuck, I don't get to see him, but I've been the closest guy in the entire thousand year clan that has gotten. I even know that if I kill you, this whole thing's over Right here. So it's like look, my family, my world, it don't matter, bro. Like I'm the only in a thousand years, the only one conscious enough, like I know what I have to do, sacrifice what I have to sacrifice. It's crazy to me, it seems, to end this, bro for the sake of like people, for humanity. Like he's self-aware what's his name? The character from Dune Aaron.
Speaker 3:Yeager Paul Atreides.
Speaker 1:Layers, bro. He's not a good guy all the way, but he's not a bad guy at the same time.
Speaker 3:Just because he's a bad guy doesn't make him a bad guy.
Speaker 2:I was going to say it at the end. I was looking at him like a normal person.
Speaker 3:I underestimated him.
Speaker 2:I didn't know he was like. He's fucking crazy, bro I don't know exactly what he says, but he's like this guy was fucking crazy.
Speaker 3:Like unhinged or something.
Speaker 2:This guy completely went off the rails. Off the rails, there you go, yes.
Speaker 1:Come on Having his kids out there, bro.
Speaker 3:That was fucking mine too, and it made me laugh because I'm like, at no point in time does the leader, ubu Shiaki, ever get mad at the other Hashida. Yeah, like, and if that's what he thinks he's like, he's gotta be crazier, bro he has to be that much bigger than these guys in his head. Yeah, and he's like you're stabbing little girls in this box.
Speaker 1:Don't worry about it hey hey chill chill and you gotta give it to him because you want to have the argument of like well she's a child bro, who nezuko?
Speaker 2:yeah, nezuko's like 14 no, she's older than tanjiro. I thought she was a little sister.
Speaker 3:She's a yellow sister, she's.
Speaker 1:She's older than Tanjiro I thought she was the little sister. She's the younger sister. She's younger.
Speaker 3:Yeah, that's his little sister, right? Yeah, tanjiro's like the oldest brother. Yeah, okay, continue.
Speaker 1:No, no, that's the thing. It's like he's such, he's like, he's just like he's the coin.
Speaker 2:I like that idea of the yang yang.
Speaker 1:He rolls by himself. So does he? He's like, hey, for the last seven, whatever Hashida? No, hashida has protected one of the main leaders. He's like I don't need protection, bro, that's true. Protect yourself.
Speaker 2:I can see it, I'll see it coming. Yeah, exactly bro, Five days in advance bro.
Speaker 1:It's a trust.
Speaker 2:He'll be here in the next five days Trust Intuition.
Speaker 3:Yeah, the intuition is Use me as bait. That was cool as fuck man. That was really, really dope. I really enjoyed that. But when everybody shows up, that shit was fucking awesome man, everybody having a little moment.
Speaker 2:Yeah, after that big explosion it almost looked real.
Speaker 3:Okay, the explosion looked amazing, the snow coming off the trees, the snow melting. It was so melting when the explosion was going off. It was a slight detail.
Speaker 2:The trees you mentioned, the shockwave, yeah, the shockwave, the shockwave coming out. The shockwave coming out Because you see, from the angle of the hatchet, they're like running upward towards it. Yeah, and it blows past them and it blows all the trees away. It was crazy.
Speaker 3:That shit was badass dog. And then when Homegirl used the blood demon art to launch thorns, oh yeah, tamayo dude yeah tamayo, tamayo tamayo was fucking crazy because she came in clutch out of nowhere, bro.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and she gives you like a quick synapse of her black story, like on the spot, like yeah, yeah, like finger in the forehead and everything he was sickly musan are you?
Speaker 2:yeah, you feel that baby you feel it in your stomach? Yeah, yeah, you like that, don't you, you're the one that killed your own husband and children. Yeah, that was. That was a job, was that?
Speaker 3:yeah, the way he painted she's like yep, and I own all of my shit. As a matter of fact, I gotta take you down with me, yeah, like yeah, like I'm gonna die right here with you bro, she stood on business, bro.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she did the whole trap, like the little cells that she worked on, like hey, it's turning you human now, bro, oh yeah. And he's like it's probably not very fucking with his head. They probably just hold him down Absolutely. Because I think that's what, because they mentioned, like in the or I think it's going to lead?
Speaker 3:done, she's like yo write that down. Right right, they're cooking so hard, so when the stone has should have, shows up bro and he takes out, moves on head.
Speaker 1:I'm like that shit.
Speaker 2:I was like, oh, it's game it's over, right expert gets like, he's like, all right, bro. And then we get the commercial break he was over, bro, he was like that was great.
Speaker 1:And then we get the flashback hold up if you would ever tell me there was more after that, I would have been fine, bro, you know what I'm talking about Wrap it up and then the way his body regenerated like spine and brain first was crazy.
Speaker 3:That shit looked like AOT level. Shit, bro, the way that they came out. Write that down, write that down, let him cook, bro, so fire Even the detail in the eye that rebirth was fucking.
Speaker 1:I bet they called the same director. Yo, I know you're not busy, I know you're not doing shit. Dog, come through.
Speaker 3:Hey man, hey which studio.
Speaker 1:Do us a favor. When I call them, when I call Oscar, all the time, what you do besides not doing shit man, yeah, man, I thought it was, and the director AOT.
Speaker 2:my damn thing Bro. Hey, your team's over hey bro you know what?
Speaker 3:What's the word?
Speaker 1:Hey man, I know you missed drawing that shit, bro. One more time, one more time, one more time, one more time for you portable.
Speaker 2:Just make the eye a cat UFO table. One last ride.
Speaker 3:One last ride, one last ride For family, for family.
Speaker 2:Yeah, man, but that was incredible, that whole visual that shit, a little bit of the stone hash that you're using. He's like stone breeding and then he goes stone wall and he just like starts using the chain. He uses like a chain and ball and an axe, not even a sword.
Speaker 1:I was just saying I was like bro, he's no sword. That is crazy.
Speaker 2:He uses a chain and ball and an axe and he's like da-da-da-da-da-da.
Speaker 3:He's the tank bro.
Speaker 1:Bro, you know what's crazy? Crazy, they're confidence, bro. The confidence would be like no, I'm not gonna pick up a sword.
Speaker 3:Fuck that, I'm gonna pick up a fucking axe. Bro, you can make this. This axe, can you blend it down? I just need this shit to be dull as shit. I want to bludgeon the motherfucker to death, bro. The fact that he beat a demon to death until morning was crazy backstory on the on the second to last episode, he's blind.
Speaker 3:me and Aski talked about that. We're like. I thought it was a character design, I thought it was a choice of no pupils, not that he was blind bro, I didn't realize he was blind until they said it on the episode they pulled a book of Eli bro, you know what I'm saying Apparently.
Speaker 2:You were supposed to know the whole time. Shout out, Denzel.
Speaker 1:And the crying, the sad too, bro well, I don't know if he was.
Speaker 3:You're supposed to know the whole time, because the way tanjana reveals he's like he was blind the whole time. You know I thought that was cool like no, I think I mean if you read the manga if you, if you're a manga reader, maybe you know, but I didn't know until that moment.
Speaker 1:I didn't know that has to be the author's favorite character because he has a cool-ass car.
Speaker 3:He's blind oh, you see when seven foot eight.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah, his car fucking fucked. A sword axe ball and chain.
Speaker 2:Motherfucker fucking ball and chain, but yeah really awesome backstory, but they really packed everything in there yeah, back his car. He's crying the praying beats.
Speaker 1:Let's make sure everything's in this 10 minute backstory absolutely this character was like, like, just like glimpsed throughout season one, season two, season three like you're, like man who the fuck is this guy?
Speaker 2:why is this guy constantly crying? And there's three minutes.
Speaker 1:You're like bro, he's so golden dog he's a real one bro fuck the stone has.
Speaker 3:You know for sure, man. But going to. Morning time is gonna be amazing to see man, that's gonna be crazy.
Speaker 2:So three movies, you say they're gonna be breakdown through three movies, which is like after the explosion.
Speaker 1:That means three specials from us guys, so stay tuned for that. We may have one at the theater before Reaction right after Ooh I like that.
Speaker 3:Stay tuned, check out our live.
Speaker 2:Because after we see all the Stonehashida and Fleshirinji and all the Hashida like, they open portals like in Avengers.
Speaker 1:Oh man, that shit made me so fucking mad, and the music is like the guitar A little.
Speaker 2:Japanese.
Speaker 1:That was.
Speaker 2:Even before that happened, when they all go like wind breathing first form, love breathing second form, oh, everybody was coming to him.
Speaker 3:Hold on. Let's not forget who pulled out the sword first Taji, though he was ready, coming soon. Let's not forget who pulled out the sword first Tanjiro Musa.
Speaker 2:I gotta admit I always loved that about Tanjiro, that every time he saw Musa he was on sight.
Speaker 1:He was the first one running.
Speaker 2:When he saw him in the city back in season one, he wanted to go after him. He called him out by name in the crowd. He was like Musa Kibutsuji On sight when he after him. Oh, that's right.
Speaker 3:He called him out by name in the crowd. He was like Musa Kibutsuji, damn, on the side.
Speaker 2:When he saw him, I forgot about that, musa, like he's always been on the side with him.
Speaker 3:Bro Fucking love that. Bro Fucking love that. That was badass when I saw that shit and everybody came in swinging everybody was mad as fuck.
Speaker 2:Right homeboy came in. He's like what the fuck did you do to the master? Yeah, I mean, dude, even shinobu and canroji. Yeah, yeah, they were all. Both of them were ready all of them everybody.
Speaker 3:What I loved again is that you saw everybody. That's what I thought was really interesting. I'm like why are they trying to find out the hot shit? I thought they were specifically just looking for nezuko. I didn't know why they were looking for all the demon slayer core. Come to find out it was because Muzan opened up all the gates for everyone to be thrown into inside the Infinity Castle.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we're ending this now. Yes, now, in that moment, whenever the Hashira are like the whole squad the Hashira are like about to hit him. He like smiles for a second. Yeah, that's when you know he's like oh fuck.
Speaker 3:Yes, because I was like why is he? Smiling. That's all it took and you're like fuck. And then it adds up even more as to why the demons were.
Speaker 1:Wasn't it with the hog, Wasn't it the hog face? Oh, he knows. Okay, that was his theme song when he went down Ding ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, ding.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and then, of course, everybody starts dropping into the Infinity Castle, and some of them got some really badass drops man Like you know he's just excited.
Speaker 3:Let's fucking go when we dropping boys. Where we dropping boys. Zenitsu, yeah, zenitsu, that was where we dropping boys. Oh, zenitsu. Zenitsu was Adderall bro, he was on purpose.
Speaker 2:He's like locked in man. Like something has changed in him. You see him in the second to last episode. He got a letter and something had changed yeah, he like slammed his head against something.
Speaker 1:It was his pharmacy receipt, bro. That's what it was. Pharmacy receipt, that's what he got. He got Adderall. He's locked in, bro, 10 hours focus. Let's knock this out.
Speaker 2:I wonder if actually now I think he's gonna. I'm tired of being scared. I think it's teasing the fact that he's gonna be do with this like, like he had his eyes closed and you're like thinking oh, he's asleep because he's scared, but he opened his eyes and he's like he's locked in.
Speaker 3:Yeah, I wonder if it has some message to have to do with his, uh, his old master. Remember the old man? Yeah, I don't know, I'm just speculating at this point I mean, I don't know.
Speaker 2:something interesting is that in the stone hasher's backstory that one kid that betrays them. Yes, if you pay attention.
Speaker 3:It's the same one. That fucking was the Nitsu, isn't it yeah? It's that piece of shit. Master's other disciple yeah, the one he was like.
Speaker 2:I could call him old man. I could call him Gramps. It's not that fucking piece of shit, oh yeah that was.
Speaker 3:That's great, right first off. But fuck that guy. That guy's a piece of shit. That fucking guy. He sold out all those kids fuck that guy.
Speaker 2:There is a connection there, so I mean I feel like that connection was put there so you could remember that connection.
Speaker 3:Going into the first I could see the kid selling out the old man again. He gets caught up with another demon.
Speaker 2:He sells out the old man and then he fucking and that's what makes him lock in, that'd be dope as fuck to see, but all the hashish that are dropping and you see everybody and you see Kraus flying everywhere and again, the animation of the Infinity Castle.
Speaker 1:The angles.
Speaker 2:The cameraman is just fast as fuck. The motherfucker is just flying better than all the demon slayers.
Speaker 1:Bro, that shit is badass. Shout out to the cameraman. Shout out to the cameraman.
Speaker 2:I was like how is he not running? How?
Speaker 3:is this cameraman?
Speaker 1:keeping up with the motherfuckers he's running backwards, bro, you know what's crazy, he outran the explosion and then run backwards he outran it to catch the sonic boom and then went back to catch it just for the audience he's so awesome, bro.
Speaker 3:Most underrated character well guys, any any more my final thing I'm gonna say is when, fucking when Muzan and Tanjiro were talking shit to each other, bro, you think you're gonna be the one to stop me, boy, I'm gonna whoop your ass mother fucker it's like you're going, you're going to hell tonight.
Speaker 2:Catch his fly, bitch. He's like you're the one that I'm going to take to hell. I'm like what the fuck? I'm not your friend, I'm not your friend pal, I'm not your pal, buddy. And then she calls him out by name. You can try it.
Speaker 3:Kamaru Tanjiro. Oh, bro, I'm going to get you as Musan.
Speaker 2:That was exciting, bro, when he called my name and then Tanjiro, again calling him out Musan, who pooched the chick. I actually can't wait to see that dub.
Speaker 3:Yes, that's going to be fucking badass. I can't wait for the dub.
Speaker 2:I can't wait for the dub for all the characters. Man.
Speaker 3:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I think the dub for that episode is going to be fuego. It's going to be awesome. I can't wait, I'm excited.
Speaker 1:I can't wait for the first movie.
Speaker 2:Yeah, oh man, you know they dropped it, that it's going to be a trilogy, right, but I wonder how much time they're going to be in between movies.
Speaker 3:I hope they do like an Avengers thing where it was like yeah, like a year apart.
Speaker 2:If they do a year for a season, you know that's normally what we get and I'm like they're going to put a whole season's worth of work in this one movie. What if they're like man? Here's the movie January, another movie May.
Speaker 3:I would be fucking geeking, I hope so I doubt it.
Speaker 2:I doubt it, but I would love it. That's how Attack on Titan did it. They dropped the specials within a year that one special where hanji dies, and then the second special, and then the second special, like three months later, right I see, if they did it like that, perfect. But look but theatrical releases, though that's what I'm saying. They announced that they're gonna have theatrical releases, which is like yeah, in my mind I'm like they're doing a year.
Speaker 3:I saw this tiktok creator.
Speaker 2:That was like, okay, the only reason they're doing theatrical releases, because you thought it was smart, it's all about that, that money, it, it's true. And it's like do we want to set this precedent where Animus is like, well, they're really big and now we're going to drop seasons of theatrical releases? And I think it only works with Demon Slayer, because they did it right off, like right after season one, they dropped the Infinity Train as a movie.
Speaker 3:That's true. You know what. You know who's going to catch on to that same train, bluelock next week. For that one it's going to be peak just like we tease. Just like we're teasing and that's exactly how we're going to end the episode.
Speaker 2:I was going to give you guys a little sneak peek. Well, first off I want to talk about the spring anime season. Well, the one that just passed some stuff that was fire. Well, first off.
Speaker 2:I want to talk about the spring anime season. That's right, it's coming up. Well, the one that just passed Some stuff that was fire. If you haven't watched Demon Slayer, make sure you watch Demon Slayer. That shit, I mean peak Kaiju number 8, man, I gotta admit I didn't know nothing about it, but it was really peak. The opening, the ending, like the music, is really good.
Speaker 1:You ever think about Kaiju, number 8.
Speaker 2:I watched it week to week and every episode ended on a motherfucking cliffhanger. And when I'm talking cliffhangers, I'm talking cliffhangers.
Speaker 1:Yeah, okay.
Speaker 2:Like it was maddening, and then because it would be like Is it over already?
Speaker 1:It's over, okay, watch now.
Speaker 2:So watch it, Watch it guys.
Speaker 3:We'll have another episode.
Speaker 2:We'll have an episode of Casual Parade because it's going to come back strong. Another teaser. But right in the middle of the action, it would be like Nobody got you the way I do Nobody, nobody nobody. I don't know how they got One Republic to do a song for that Nobody got you the way I do my Hero Academia the first half in the spring season, but it's still going into the summer season.
Speaker 2:That time I got reincarnated as a slime. It got really interesting because he had a little bit of action. But it's more about the diplomatics between countries. Diplomacy between countries. Konosuba just rapped, bro, konosuba just rapped.
Speaker 3:That was going to be the next one on the list.
Speaker 2:I have not finished it.
Speaker 3:I just finished it today.
Speaker 2:You finished it today. Yeah, man, I only like three.
Speaker 3:Hey bro, it's good, it's a good season. Go check out Konosuba, season three.
Speaker 2:Okay, well, here's what I can tell you about Konosuba. What can you tell them about it?
Speaker 3:Konosuba's fucking great. The story actually does very, very well. There's not as much action. It builds so much.
Speaker 1:It leaves you wanting so much more for the next season. Go watch Konosuba.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna start season one go check out Connoisseur it's on my list but I'm only three episodes into Connoisseur the.
Speaker 3:English dub. As a matter of fact, you'll be watching this later, but it just dropped officially today at like noon. The fucking season finale just dropped in English dub nice check out now.
Speaker 2:I'm gonna watch the whole thing in English because Connoisseur on Twitter.
Speaker 3:You guys would have known that today.
Speaker 2:I got a couple hits. Just two more hits Black Butler, the public school arc. Black Butler is an old anime from 2008. But they're still going. They just dropped that last season. It was actually really good. Konosuba was the last one on my list. I'm only three episodes into that one but thankfully picking up the slack.
Speaker 1:And then one more.
Speaker 2:Viral Hit. Viral Hit is actually based on a manhwa, which is a korean uh manga. Yeah, uh, that one's hilarious man. It's about this kid that's in school and then he makes a youtube channel about fighting oh shit, like street fights uh, yeah, like like he beats up his bullies and you learn a little bit about taekwondo and a little bit about korean martial arts okay, it's hilarious, though it's freaking hilarious okay, something to check out and of course, we're gonna cover the summer season of animes.
Speaker 2:Uh, I mean a lot of good stuff coming out.
Speaker 2:In crunchy girl you could catch tower of god, which is a crunchy original, that's right season two's coming out on that yes, I watched the first season and it was like a little hidden gem, like I didn't think it got that much attention at the time, but I thought it was really good. I'm surprised I'm actually surprised that it's like a little hidden gem. I didn't think it got that much attention at the time, but I thought it was really good, I'm surprised. I'm actually surprised that it's getting a season two, because it wasn't that popular.
Speaker 3:They're trying to hype it up. I got the announcement, the notification. It's like catch up on Tower of God season one before season two goes.
Speaker 2:Go back and watch season one. Nice. It's surprisingly better than I even think. Season was shinoko, that's right. Idol, which is like it was huge, and I'm actually really excited for season two, or shinoko or idol, however you want to call it. Uh, but that's some uh suggestions from oski's corner, that's right oski's corner guys, we should come up with a jingle for you oski's corner I like that.
Speaker 3:That works all right. Save that, all right, ladies and gentlemen. Uh, hey, let's get Suki's two cents on this bro oh, so what did you think about Demon Slayer? Yeah, suki. Alright, ladies and gentlemen, this has been the WBM podcast. This is one of your hosts. It's your boy, merc. Make sure you guys are following us on all of our social medias Instagram, tiktok, twitter, youtube. All at WBM underscore podcast.
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Speaker 3:guys, we'd love to hear from you. Ladies and gentlemen, we love you so much, we appreciate you so much. We'll catch.
Speaker 1:We out.